How to Talk to Kids About Fear and Trauma, Part II






part I of this blog postI talked about how my sons and I were nearly crushed by a large oak tree on our way home from a nature day. It was fear that pushed me to slam on the brakes that saved us from hit by or colliding with the tree. By recognizing fear as just another emotion, we appropriate a space for it in our emotional life and retain the power to deal with it.



Fear vs. Trauma

I think it’s important to take a moment to talk about the difference between momentary fear and trauma. The former passes without lasting effects, whereas the latter can create a deep chemical pattern or groove in the brain where the fear gets replayed again and again in response to triggers that remind the brain of what happened.




A 5-Steps Process



父母同情冲突停下来呼吸- 首先,要深呼吸几个或“ 6秒”。这涉及想到让您开心的6件事:6首最喜欢的歌曲,6个最喜欢的人,6个最喜欢的度假胜地等。如果谈论恐惧对您来说令人恐惧,这是您在后口袋里总是拥有的工具。

Children playing on parents bed wearing pajamas分享自己的感受 -This has the dual benefits of modeling for your kids and helping you to name your own emotions. One of the essential skills in emotional intelligence is the ability to read your own emotions and those of others. In order to get better at this, you can practice identifying the emotions and labeling them. The science behind “Name it to tame it” involves engaging our prefrontal cortex to take the control back from the amygdala so that the thinking area is integrated with the emotional part of the brain. Once labeled, the emotion, no matter how powerful, loses its grip on you. My boys and I were naming a variety of emotions on our ride home after the incident, which was the start of our processing them.

育儿innovators2Ask your child about his feelings

- 现在,您正在为孩子腾出空间来命名他的情绪。当他告诉您他的情绪时,您可能会担心不知道该怎么办。这里的想法不是在此步骤中“做”任何事情。您只是为他提供敞开心heart和聆听的耳朵。

亲子贝希The most important thing in this step is to validate his emotions, whatever they may be. You may validate by saying, “I see”, “I understand”, “I don’t blame you”. Sometimes, it’s not even necessary to say anything. Just listen with your whole body and be fully present. He will sense your empathy through your body language and nuances. In some situations, this step may be all your child needs to self regulate and return to himself again.

Father with toddler son talking on a green summer meadow.共同导航恐惧- 就像我对儿子们所做的那样,我为他们提供了写作或绘制事件的机会。理解发生的事情并用图像命名感受的过程有助于他们将事物置于上下文中。丹尼尔·西格尔(Daniel Siegel)说:“情绪发生在大脑的两侧,但右边可能更直接或自发。”


改变恐惧的感觉- 帮助您的孩子理解,所有情绪都是我们的数据,这取决于我们明智地使用它们。恐惧是我们生存的关键情感。另一方面,当我们每天被恐惧淹没时,我们可能会因其力量而瘫痪。为了利用它的力量,重要的是要认识到这个“朋友”何时来访,欢迎它快速喝杯茶,并告别了一旦恐惧有机会传达他的信息。





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