Imagine a community communities where health disparities and intergenerational trauma are pervasive. A teen starts “huffing” solvents, so desperate to escape, or to feel something other than disconnection, that the 1-in-10 chance of death seems irrelevant. Western medicine says the brain damage is irreversible.Is there a path to wellbeing?

青年溶剂行动委员会YSAC的协调员黛布拉·戴尔(Debra Dell)亲眼目睹了康复是可能的 - 她说,核心,工作是关于以精神,情感,思想和身体的方式将人们重新连接到自己……四个方向……药轮。戴尔解释说:“世界各地的土著文化都有强大的康复和整体健康追求模式。”“在我们的计划中,与文化重新建立联系是一种核心干预。该研究确定了四个关键目标:希望,目的,意义和归属感。”这些是通过围绕药轮的四个方向进行的。


The project integrates the competencies of emotional intelligence with traditions of the Native cultures including the Medicine Wheel. This approach raises counselor’s effectiveness and empathy and helps the youth see a way forward to health and wellbeing. The centres embracing EQ have better client retention. In addition, emotional intelligence has become an essential toolset for the counselors’ self-care, which leads to better work satisfaction rates, and an increased capacity to be present in the complexity and challenge of recovery.

While YSAC has seen tremendous success, it’s incredibly difficult work. Dell explains, “This work can be overwhelming, and it is easy for hopelessness to creep in if we are not constantly navigating our emotions, and finding our optimistic spark.” Just as for the children, the counselors and leaders need hope, purpose, meaning & belonging — which are fueled, in part, by practicing the skills of emotional intelligence.

在YSAC,药轮用于将四个方向连接到增长的四个阶段。东方的精神是建立健康和整体的视野和身份。在南部,我们处理对该身份的情感和感受。然后在西方,理解建立,我们找到了对自我和他人的尊重。然后,在北部,我们将学习的学习整合到了身体健康方面,从而导致变化。There’s a video at the end of this article which explains this model in more depth.

The Power of Hearing the Story

女孩湖“I started to tear up thinking about which story to share… I started thinking about a young man who’s grief over his whole family die tragically was so deep that he strategically sniffed gas each night at 9 pm, to hallucinate having tea with his grandmother — it was his way of ‘finding emotional normal,'” says Dell.

“Or the young man who told me he wished he had never learned about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in school (the presentation caused him to self-diagnose), when I asked him why, he told me, ‘because now I know everything I’ll never be able to do.'”


来自许多原住民(原住民)人民的年轻人正在努力克服吸入溶剂和其他物质的成瘾,这可能会导致大脑问题和学习问题。黛布拉·戴尔(Debra Dell)是青年溶剂行动委员会(YSAC)的协调员,一个遍布加拿大各个地区的青年住宅治疗中心网络,支持其社区的希望和康复。这是他们的故事。

EQ and the Medicine Wheel

辅导员的途径Helping First Nations Youth Heal from Solvent Addiction

Six Seconds CEO Josh Freedman spoke with Debra Dell about emotional intelligence atYSAC,青年溶剂成瘾委员会关于药之轮,情绪智力以及使黛布拉和辅导员在这项改变人生的工作中的原因。


We adopt the model ofknow yourself first。通过以第一人称的方式接受培训,他们更深入地理解它,他们看到了独立式培训多么容易。成瘾是要么想要感觉更好或麻木疼痛。

Many people don’t know about solvent addiction. What is it, how much and where is it happening?

Solvent Abuse and or Solvent Addiction and Inhalant abuse are terms that are used interchangeably to describe the practice of purposefully breathing in (huffing or sniffing) the fumes from a variety of common household products, with the intent to get high. This practice is not the same as other forms of intentional pleasure seeking through intoxication; for the simple reason that the products inhaled are not intended for human consumption.

溶剂用户有几种使人衰弱的影响,例如运动技能,癫痫发作,腹泻,腹痛,焦虑,烦躁,易怒甚至死亡。慢性吸入可能会令人上瘾,可能会损害内部器官,周围神经和肝脏和肾脏的失败……在2004年的加拿大成瘾调查中,15岁以上的男性中有1.9%,女性的0.7%报告报告使用了inthant剂量他们的寿命 - 从1994年分别从1.2%和0.3%增加。


In the Western medical literature, solvent addiction is considered to be essentially un-treatable due to brain damage. Does the YSAC approach agree with this, and why?

Not at all. Youth who use solvents often have histories of abuse and malnutrition. All of these things affect the brain in a negative way, we fully believe in neurogenesis and have seen amazing success in terms of youth recovering brain function both in physical way but also in intellectual ways. (1.4 grade levels in math and reading in 6 months of treatment).

Why was YSAC originally interested in EQ training?

在与上瘾的所有工作中,我想确保我们正在收集结果。我们为医学轮的身体,精神和心理方面带来了一些非常具体的结果,但是我们正在寻找一些特定的方法来捕捉情绪改变。我们在2001年通现金网赌钱网站过Google搜索发现了六秒运动情报认证培训that year, and began incorporating more specific tools in programs. Two of us have continued to take additional six seconds training, to the masters class level and beyond.


One of the greatest challenges is to remain in an empathic space, remembering the young people are people first, and we are all in this together.


I can remember the first time I tried to get an emotional intelligence course accredited under the government addictions certification. They wrote back to me and asked me to be more specific about what on earth emotions had to do with addiction. I wanted to simply write “ everything” but instead I developed a full response.

For us the Six Seconds model of emotional intelligence fit so well with medicine wheel teachings because the common goal is a whole and healthy person.戴尔分享了这张幻灯片,说明了the Six Seconds Model of emotional intelligence以及成瘾恢复的工作:


The successes have spanned everything from client outcomes to staffing and leadership successes. Each year we teach at least one 5 days course, we have branched to adding a leadership EI course for executive directors, family courses for those who are working with family units etc. With our partners we have written newer EI based prevention programs (Buffalo Riders, Strength Based addiction Treatment ) Not only has it helped with staff competency but it has aided us so much in attempts to teach mental health and addiction links.



substance abuseCould you talk a bit more about how the work affects counselors, and the importance of them feeling renewal: What is the role of Exercising Optimism, and the importance of care-for-caregivers?

Counselors come to this work generally because they have understanding of their deep purpose. They see themselves as helpers first and foremost. Sometimes as counselors we find this path as a result of our own personal traumas. All of this weighs heavy on hearts and minds.



It fits extremely well with many of the medicine wheel or seven grandfather teachings. In fact we teach about the strong linkage in all the courses. So many traditional ceremonies are connected to developing a deeper sense of self- knowledge, belonging, or purpose.


YSAC一直是全国性努力的一部分,以重新开展待遇,以纪念原住民的文化,并在政府与社区之间建立更有意义的合作Honoring our Strengths project。鉴于过去的冲突和判断历史,情绪智力在推动这种对话前进中的作用是什么?


Our challenge many times is to get people to balance the self-care aspect of living in empathetic space. That means honoring a counselors own needs by navigating through challenging emotions, and really taking the wisdom that that place has to offer, it’s in this pursuit that we find the energy and motivation to live with purpose.


Engaging with all emotions, even the challenging ones, we find the energy and motivation to live with purpose.

What’s your own Noble Goal, and how does that support you in this work?

我自己的高尚目标总是在进行中。绝对是帮助人们发现希望和真正的目标。了解我为什么要做这项工作,这是吸引自己内在动机的关键部分。当您真的相信工作与目标联系在一起(贵族目标)时,这真的根本不起作用,,,,it is just a way of being, a way of showing up each day for all the things that need to get done.



If you could train a million adults who counsel and teach young people today — what are the three most important strengths you’d want those adults to build? Why?


用卡罗尔·霍普金斯(Carol Hopkins)的话说,国家成瘾伙伴基金会的雷鸟伙伴关系基金会执行董事:












Self-help can be a force for good, but there are pitfalls. Here are 3 questions to ask yourself to get the most out of self-help.

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