Emotions serve to focus our attention on aspects of the world that help us thrive. They provide information about our interior world and about our relationships. For this survival function to operate optimally, we are highly sensitive to emotional signals in the environment. One person’s emotions are affected by others’. This effect is called “Emotional Contagion” and provides important insight into why we must and how to manage emotions for optimal results.
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Studies of mood and human behavior have shown that feelings spread from one person to another through a number of mechanisms. For example, factors of non-verbal communication including facial expressions, posture, and specific behavioral patterns have been linked to the transmission of emotional information between individuals [3, 4]. In addition, recent studies have shown that mood can spread through aspects of verbal communication such voice inflection [4].
In a recent study by Neumann and Strack (2000), participants were asked to listen to an emotionally impartial speech read by an actor using happy, sad, or neutral voice inflection. When later asked to rate their emotions, participants reported having emotions consistent with those of the speaker. Furthermore, when asked to rate their attitude toward the speaker, participants consistently liked the speaker with the sad voice least F (2,26) = 11.08, p < .001. (See Figure 1)
随着业务,社交和个人环境中的明确应用,情绪传染已成为一系列重要的小组动态研究。2002年,耶鲁大学的Sigal Barsade研究了在小组背景下情绪传染的影响。在她的实验中,训练有素的演员被置于小组环境中,并指示参与小组的活动,同时制定不同水平的愉悦和精力。小组正在努力分配薪水奖金;他们有固定的钱可以花费,并且必须根据一系列绩效标准进行分配。活动完成后,要求参与者完成自己心情的自我评估。该研究的结果清楚地表明,一个小组成员的情绪的影响对其他小组成员的情绪产生了无意识的影响。对于“积极”和“消极”情绪[2],这既是真实的。
There are different opinions of the effect of positional power / authority on mood contagion. It may be that those with authority and those who are either liked or respected have a greater effect. What is clear is that leaders affect the group mood:
In the Barsade study discussed above, a negative group member seemed disrupt the groups and reduce efficacy, while having a positive confederate was associated with increased cooperation, fewer group conflicts, and heightened task performance. Likewise, in a similar study, Alice Isen (1993) assessed radiologists, finding positive mood enhanced their accuracy. Positive mood has a far-reaching effect on work performance, supervision, decision-making, and even on team members voluntarily acting for the good of the organization [7].
另一方面,在某些情况下,“不良心情”更有效。例如,Elsbach和Barr(1999)发现,处于负面情绪的人使用更结构化的决策方法。它们的类似摘要如下所示:表1 [6]。
摘自Elsbach&Barr(1999) |
The evidence that an individual’s feelings affect others – and that these feelings in turn affect performance – ilustrates the importance of being aware of and managing emotions, especially for leaders, educators, salespeople, parents, politicians, athletes – really any person concerned with their influence on others.
约书亚·弗里德曼(Joshua Freedman)是六秒钟的首席运营官现金网赌钱网站 - 情商网络;苹果百家乐他是At the Heart of Leadership, 这SEI领导力报告,,,,and the组织生命体征气候评估。
[1] Bandura,A。(2002)。反思性移情:预测比以往任何时候都多。行为和脑科学,25,24-25。
[2] Barsade, S.G. (2002). The ripple effect: Emotional contagion and its influence on group behavior.行政科学季刊,47(4),644-675。
[3] Gallese,V。(2006)。有意的调整:关于社会认知及其在自闭症中的破坏的神经心理学观点。大脑研究,1079。15-24
[4] Neumann,R。和Strack,F。(2000)。“情绪传染”:人与人之间情绪的自动转移。人格与社会心理学杂志,79(2),211-223。
[5] Isen,A。(1993)。积极的影响和决策。在M. Lewis和J.M. Haviland(编辑)中情感手册(pp)。纽约:古利福德出版社。
[6] Elsbach,K。和Barr,P。(1999)。情绪对个人使用结构决策方案的影响。组织科学,10(2),181-198。
[7] Barsade,S.G。和D.E. Gibson(2007)。为什么在组织中影响物质?管理学院的观点,36-59。
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