自我科学是社会情感学习中的先驱之一。它于1978年首次出版,并不断以强大的,基于证据的方法来建立在学校中的情商。阿纳贝尔·詹森(Anabel Jensen)博士提供了有关为什么有效以及自我科学如何工作的解释。


The year was 1979 and some of the following things were happening:

  • 英国选举了他们的第一任女总理玛格丽特·撒切尔(Margaret Thatcher);
  • Sony released the Walkman at $200 a unit;
  • The Three Mile Island nuclear accident occurred after a reactor fire;
  • The Sahara Desert experienced snow for 30 minutes; and
  • 中国instituted a one-child-per-family policy to help control their exploding population.



However, Self-Science, it turned out, did not refer to the study of dinosaurs, heredity, DNA, or even physiology; subjects that comprised the backbone of the science curriculum at the time. Instead, I learned that Self-Science deals with the inner world that we all experience during each moment of our lives. Practicing “self-sciencers” believe it is significantly important to know who and what we are — and most importantly, what we are going to do about it.

作为海湾地区一所私立学校(Nueva)的新心理学家,我被邀请参观自我科学课,并在实践中观察大师-Karen-Stone McCown。我仍然记得那个班级。该课的标题是:害怕帽子。

卡伦首先定义恐惧。她提到她害怕黑暗和6Thgrade students all laughed, for they were way too old to be afraid of that particular topic.




Karen then asked the students to put cards with the fears written on them into a large, black top hat, which looked like a magician’s hat. She told them this particular hat had powerful properties (the students rolled their eyes at this comment) that might help them reduce their fears. (Notice she did not tell them they would be eliminated.)

Students were then asked to draw out one card at a time. They decided to put some fun and excitement into the activity—they would act out the fear as they interpreted it and then all of us would brainstorm ways to reduce, control, or subdue the fear.

Reflecting on Emotions

Because students were primarily drawing out someone else’s fear from the hat, it was easier for them to act it out without embarrassment and also to come up with at least one possible way to handle the issue.

For example, Arthur read a card saying that he was afraid of strange cars driving up his driveway at night and someone entering his house. He lived in a large house surrounded by several acres of trees and bushes.


Another student recommended that he leave on a nightlight, so when he woke up he would be able to see more clearly and be less disoriented. A third individual wondered if he had a dog. She said she slept soundly every night because her dog was devoted to her and would never let anything happen to her.

As the lesson progressed, it was interesting to see the shivers at the beginning of the lesson turn to giggles. Someone even suggested that telling yourself a joke in the middle of the night might make you feel better.




Students Look Forward to Social Emotional Learning

Self-Science_cover_transpStudents love Self-Science classes. In gathering some comparative data on favorite classes at Nueva many years into the future, 80% of the graduates reported this was their favorite class. In addition, Marsha Rideout, Self-Science Specialist at Synapse, has repeatedly heard the same from Synapse students.

Here are some of the objectives of studying self-science:

  • to both identify and adapt for strengths and weaknesses
  • 倡导特定的需求和需求
  • to learn and practice the skills of group membership
  • to recognize that choice has consequence
  • to practice optimism with the daily adversities of life
  • to set goals and thereby achieve dreams

In addition to attitudes, students absorb some fascinating neuroscience data, such as:

  • laughter lowers the levels of stress hormones and strengthens the immune system
  • emotions are as contagious as the common cold
  • The average adult laughs 10-15 times a day; the average child 300 or more times
  • getting paid for doing something you like can make you less creative


I am amazed at how things have changed in the time since I observed that first class. Karen and I have been involved in several start-ups institutions: one was Six Seconds, an organization dedicated to growing emotional intelligence in the world. The current goal is to have 1,000,000 practitioners before my 100th birthday. We are currently at 350,000. I think we will make it.

我们也开始突触, a school whose mission is to educate change makers. We started six years ago with five children in a backyard pagoda. Next year we will boast 170 students. Our objective is to take over the entire block with a variety of great places to learn: an early learning center, a high school, and a continuing education center for teachers, administrators, parents, etc., and then to start Synapses around the globe.

Change Starts Inside Each Of Us

However, for me, all of that pales in comparison to what I learned about fears that day 34 years ago:

I learned that fear shuts down creativity and can be accompanied by a lack of faith in one’s ability.

I discovered that this fear could be reduced by aerobic exercise and meditation; I became an exercise nut.

I learned that optimism can increase innovation and productivity; I describe myself as a recovering pessimist.

I learned that my brain neurons continue to grow even in old age; I work on learning something new every day.


I do a conscious act of kindness every day.


更重要的是,我开始欣赏Self-Science as a scientific approach to the study of self.我每天将其用作做出决策,解决问题的过程,以实现我的生活。


Self-Science begins with appraisal, ignites choice, and transforms coping into self-actualization. Imagine the positive changes in the world, if everyone practiced the principles of emotional analysis, choice, and action.


Info on the guide to the Self-Science process:自我科学:开始情绪智力

Overview of Six Seconds’ approach to Social Emotional Learning:教育中的情感智力

Speech by Karen McCown on why she created Self-Science:情商:积极变革的基石



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现金网赌钱网站六秒钟开始了世界上第一个EQ实践者认证,并在如何发展情绪智力方面被广泛称为全球领导者。公共和内部EQ认证。从EQ教育者认证开始- 然后继续获得4种专业认证:

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