评估信任: 3 Quick Techniques to Check Your Current Level of Trust with Someone

Want more clarity about how much you trust someone?尝试这三种技术,以获取有关当前情况的心理,身体和情感反馈。

By Joshua Freedman, revised in October, 2019

Trust is Central

One of the most importantVital Signs健康的气候是信任。当人们信任您时,他们会更深入地挖掘,更好地倾听和更轻松地宽恕。当信任较低时,会有更多的抵抗力,更多的恐惧和沟通也无法正常工作。在Vital Signs模型,信任是工作中敬业团队和一般健康关系的关键。

Want more trust? The first step is to assess it so you can understand what’s really happening in a relationship.

Trust is Mutual

信任是感觉和信念,这是互惠的. If don’t trust you, I can pretty well guarantee you don’t trust me. Think of one of your direct reports, someone who does a good job, but who doesn’t fully “buy in” to your leadership and direction — doesn’t fully trust you.


如果您感到不信任,那对您来说是一个很好的信号 - 警告 - 双向信任连接是脆弱或破裂的。以您的信任感作为晴雨表来评估团队的信任质量。

Sometimes people are not sure if they trust or not. This simple process will let you check your trust level.

Testing for Trust: How to Assess

Think about a specific person right now. Imagine asking them to take on a challenge that ispossible,具有挑战性的, and重要的。

Now, take a quick check of your trust:

  1. Body Scan— do you feel any new pain or tension in your stomach, neck, back? If so, you may not trust.
  2. Quick Think— Right this second, what’s your first reaction? If you have questions or doubts, you might not trust.
  3. Heart Check— How do you feel? If scared, frustrated, sad, or anxious, you might not trust.

In the next article in this series,we’ll go onto increasing trust, first by practicing the Four Cs, then by having a challenging and wonderful conversation.

In the meantime, increase your insight into your relationships by practicing the Body Scan, Quick Think, and Heart Check techniques. Tune into your own feelings of trust and distrust as a foundation for improving it.

Vital Signs Trust series:

评估信任: How do you diagnose a relationship by checking your current level of trust?

Earning Trust:如果您想增加信任,您将重点关注什么?

Requesting Trust:当您想将信任提升到一个新的水平时,如何谈论它?

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