Necessary article 5 new secret communication | use emotional intelligence have a happy year!

Necessary article 5 new secret communication | use emotional intelligence have a happy year!

The Spring Festival is coming year of the rat.Then eat dumplings, drink wine, visiting relatives and friends, be caring and attentive time!Working parents, child came back from a distance, the family can gather together together again.Family reunion, happiness, chatting chatting and open those familiar with the topic...- "the annual bonus award?How much income?"- "talk about object?"- "when to get married?"- "when having children?- "young regeneration a second child."... 面对各种话题的互动、关心、建议…… 你有什么感受、想法和行动呢? 明明是出于关心和问候的交流,但有时好像引发了尴尬,甚至还会引发争吵……...
【 eq early experience 】 online clock in training camp!

【 eq early experience 】 online clock in training camp!

Often heard that many people talk about "emotional intelligence", for example: - wow!His eq is high, and the relationship between colleagues is really good, I also hope to like him.- my temper is too bad, because sometimes a trifle angry or sad for a long time, how can let oneself be happy?- I have a friend who always die "" the day chat, is there any way to improve his emotional intelligence?- my child and I it is hard to communicate together, how to say don't listen to, how can use "emotional intelligence" to get along with children better?- I have an employee eq is very low, very difficult to manage, is there any way to change him?...
How to make the communication more effective?Three important key and emotional intelligence tools

How to make the communication more effective?Three important key and emotional intelligence tools

In a changing environment, work and life often encounter all kinds of communication challenges.Fortunately, about emotions and brain research shows that: in the process of communication, attention and emotion related to "the subtext" can help build deeper interpersonal communication.Communication is a two-way process, rather than power, this article will share three key and tools to make communication more effective eq.1. Look at the subtext of Pay attention to that subtext in the process of communication, due to possible hypothesis (anticipation), cultural differences and neglect to the mood, let the subtext of emotions become more complicated and difficult to crawl.Albert Mr Mehra than Ann (Albert...
Make the communication more effective.Accountability of communication 4

Make the communication more effective.Accountability of communication 4 "checkpoint"

Some people have the accountability to become a system, to ensure that people do what we want them to do.In other words, to create a way of obedience - a ruler through the rewards and punishment to shape behavior.In this system, "the boss" setting expectations, "junior" obedience, the boss by punishing people for disobeying orders to "make people responsible."Employees may out of fear or greed and work commitments, in other words, if there is no boss, no rewards and punishments, these behaviors would not have happened.The scenario is subject to, rather than responsibility.What is the real responsibility?Responsibility means that you will take the result for your choice, including the success and failure.Under this definition, I can't "to take responsibility for others," I can do is to help people build a responsible for the environment.If I am responsible for the lives of others, I actually is stripped him of his responsibility....
Study: eq cultivation

Study: eq cultivation

Emotional intelligence of uniting The trip to The Journey of EQ how do people begin to learn EQ?From the thousands of comments, a powerful story surfaced.Let us run through this article, the science of uniting the different phases of eq ~ (click button to download the full report for free) as a free download what is the theory of change report to emotional intelligence practitioners opened their eq trip, what happened when they join?The answer lies in the "meaning", "work" and "growth".Then, there is a critical insight into, or the first "aha!", here, they clearly see their challenges, and a new way to use emotional intelligence to help them along.For the first time, "Aha! Aha!"To explore the DISCOVERY...
Trust alliance: this dialogue, more trust each other

Trust alliance: this dialogue, more trust each other

Asks faith breaking trust series (3) the feeling of trust is associated with fear.Fear is a helpful and insightful emotions, it tells us: "hey, I'm worried about!Now, the state may be fraught with danger."4 c and the sense of crisis may be because of "trust" (care, commitment and consistency and ability) of an item is in danger.4 c 01 "trust barometer" and "trust" the series of the first article discussed how to trust the trust evaluation "as a two-way relationship between attention and evaluate, and use the" distrust "as a" barometer ", is used to measure the degree of trust between ourselves and others."Trust" is the second article by 4 c "trust", the "abstract" relationship further with like....
Trust turntable: do this at 4 o 'clock, others will be more trust you!

Trust turntable: do this at 4 o 'clock, others will be more trust you!

Trust series (2) trust trust is priceless, but in an ideal world, we can choose to open the turntable "trust", immediately to increase others trust in you, but first you need to make sure that everything you do is completely trustworthy.01 "trust" is the core of the organization performance of healthy atmosphere, one of the most important dynamic characteristics is trust.When your employees trust you, they get to know you better and better to listen to you, it is easier to forgive you.When trust is low, it is easy to produce more of the resistance, the more fear, communication is less effective, because people don't believe each other).Trust is a "measurable", and is the core of leadership, team and organizational performance.?6 seconds eq "dynamic characteristic model?"...
The difference between the

The difference between the "empathy" and "compassion" | how to practice my "empathy"?

When other people tell you one thing, your first reaction is to produce the idea of "problem solving" very want?Or will the strong resonance in the other person's feelings?How to differentiate between "compassion" and "empathy"?And how to practice to enhance empathy?The difference between the "empathy" and "compassion" | how to practice my "empathy"?Empathy Empathy vs. compassion he: what is the difference between them?...
Trust barometer: really trust each other between I and others?

Trust barometer: really trust each other between I and others?

Trust series (a) : to evaluate trust trust is a feeling, also is a kind of belief, it is mutual.If I don't trust you, I can assure you, you must also don't trust me.So, how to "evaluate" their trust to others?01 "trust" for the team/the importance of healthy atmosphere of organization, one of the most important dynamic characteristics is trust.When employees trust you will get to know you better, better to listen to you, and easier to understand and forgive you.But when trust is low, easy to produce more of the resistance, the more fear, communication is less effective?6 seconds eq "dynamic characteristic model?"...
EQ @ Life:

[email protected]Intentions: "eat" seven eq tips

Emotions can affect the body, is mutual relation and influence between them.Irritable bowel syndrome, for example, often caused by stress or anxiety, characterized by abdominal pain, diarrhea or constipation.Pressure may also cause ulcers, etc.The root of many digestive problems are emotional problems.Focus on "what to eat and how to eat" suppose there is a open wounds in my arm.If you want to wound healing, the first thing I need to do is to stop scratching it, at the same time the need for treatment.Similarly, ulcer is the digestive tract open wounds.The first thing you have to do is can't catch it again - this means changing the diet.However, this is not the final heal, you'll only prevent symptoms that cause the root cause of the wound may not heal....