The Motivation Iceberg


– even when your people are working virtually

冰山动机是一个简单明了的模型,它显示了不同动机如何推动不同类型的性能。它可以帮助管理人员,领导者,父母,教育工作者 - 任何关心激励他人的人 - 考虑如何利用他们的情商来助长持久的动力……而且当人们远程或在变化和挑战时期工作时,这一点尤其重要。

Keep reading to learn more about the ins and outs of motivation and get a FREE worksheet on choosing the right motivators to get the results you want.

What Drives Star Performance?

One of the central challenges of managing and leading is to inspire and engage — to motivate — people to optimal performance.

人们获得工作的报酬,如果他们不满足期望,最终应该失业。但是,在大多数角色中,在大多数组织中,明星表现需要更高的参与度 - 这项承诺超出了薪水。在遥远的情况下,当没有一个“站在你的肩膀上”时,这尤其明显,为什么要工作?这一额外的承诺被称为“酌处权”,因为这是由员工酌情决定的。他们给予额外的原因,因为他们想 - 因为他们喜欢它。真正的领导者能够激发这种感觉。正如联邦快递的创始人弗雷德·史密斯(Fred Smith)所说:“领导层在没有义务的时候让人们为您工作。”

As we consider “motivating employees,” we can divide the work we want to achieve in two basic categories of outcomes:

1: Basic, task-oriented, behavioral work

Showing up on time. Filing required reports. Making the required number of calls. These tend to be prescribed, tactical, and easily measurable.


This category is more about the质量员工的工作。我们希望他们照顾客户。创新新解决方案。全力以赴。信任并值得信赖。出现并在大流行中尽力而为……即使没有人看着,也要尽力而为。


依靠老式的,交易方法的经理将无法从人身上获得全部价值 - 在艰难的情况下,例如远程工作,绩效会暴跌。

不同的人以及不同的情况需要对动机的更细微和故意的理解。幸运的是,这些都是可衡量的,因此,即使在大流行期间远程工作的情况下,也是如此managers can learn to engage their own and their people’s deeper drivers

What Actually Drives Behavior?




除了不同类别的结果外,还有不同种类的动力。管理者可以用来参与性能的不同“杠杆”。这些杠杆有两个基本类别:“外部”和“内在” - 它们对于一种类型的结果或另一种类型而言最有效。以下是每个示例:

Extrinsic Motivators

Live outside the employee (e.g., bonuses, perks, fines, employee of the month).





Intrinsic Motivators

Live inside the employee (e.g., passion, alignment with values, belonging, purpose).

Driven by relationships and organizational climate.


No ongoing expense and spread from employee to employee.

Reinforce interdependence (shared responsibility).





Different Motivators for Different Results

We’re starting to see some of the complexities of motivation, and how different factors motivate people in different situations. One of the keys to this puzzle is to match different types of motivators with different types of needs.

Download the graphic to the right for an up close look at what motivators drive what types of outcomes.


What’s critical to remember is that extrinsic levers (top left) do not effectively motivate the deeper outcomes (bottom right). In fact, emphasizing these extrinsic influences can undermine this kind of ‘beneath the surface’ commitment.

For example, if you want your employees to be more trustworthy, it probably isn’t a good idea to set up a financial reward system for employees who tell the truth the most. You may be better off thinking about how you can create a sense of belonging for your employees, like informal gatherings or listening more.




Three Tips for Engaging Intrinsic Motivation



Most organizations have a list of values but are they real or are they PR? Do people really live by them?

Recently I was with a group of managers...




2. Connect with people.

One of, if not THE, most fundamental intrinsic motivator is belonging. Humans are pack animals, wired to connect.



When was the last time you were “just hanging out” at lunch team members two or three levels below you? When was the last truly honest conversation you had with a colleague where you genuinely listened to her story? How much time are you spending connecting with people outside your team and business unit versus inside? This is not rocket science, but it is just as powerful.



Many of my clients' first reaction is...

If you don’t have a compelling, powerful answer to that question you will not build enduring intrinsic motivation, and the best people will not stay with you – so get a great consultant coach and develop an answer.

If you do have that answer, an answer that is worth fighting for, then tell that story over and over. Everything you do should serve that purpose, and if it doesn’t, change what you do. Every change you make, every message you roll out, should be linked to that purpose. Junior employees will rarely say it out loud, but just know they’re constantly asking, “Why should I give you my all?” Make sure you’ve got a worthwhile answer, and then make sure they hear it.



There is no “right time” to stop chasing and start leading. No one is going to gift you with blocks of uninterrupted time to shift your attention to the “heart of the iceberg.” Yet that’s where the real opportunity lives.

尽管这项工作具有挑战性,但它具有长期的好处。When you get these core drivers in place, they become part of the organizational culture. Intrinsic motivation lasts. But who has time?


There is no “right time” to stop chasing and start leading. No one is going to gift you with blocks of uninterrupted time to shift your attention to the “heart of the iceberg.” You have to decide it is important, and carve the time out for yourself. That’s where the real opportunity lives.


要进一步阅读此主题,请查看5 tips: Using EQ to Build a High Performing Culture

For even more,学会通过EQPLUS驱动力评估来测量这些驱动程序

This article was updated from a previous version. The “Motivation Iceberg” model is explored in “Motivation from the Inside Out,” a workshop in Six Seconds’Developing Human Performance curriculum。DHP provides 14 essential building blocks for organizational performance in practical, engaging 2-hour workshops that can be used by almost any competent development professional.




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Build capacity for transformation

Six Seconds started the world's first EQ Practitioner Certification and is widely known as the global leader in how to develop emotional intelligence. Public & in-house EQ certification.start with the EQ Educator Certification- then continue toward the 4 professional accreditations:

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