The Emotional Intelligence Livestream#29


在大流行期间,社交情感学习变得越来越重要 - 并且更加困难

教育压力很大。老师,管理员,孩子,父母在挣扎 - 那么,为什么我们应该在这样的时候专注于社交情感学习(SEL)呢?对于远程或混合教学,甚至有可能吗?

“ Covid Pressure-Cooker”正在揭露全球教育系统中的裂缝。A new Axios survey found 59% of US teens felt that online school is worse for them (half said they learn better in person) — but even so, 70% of teens said they didn’t trust that schools could open safely… and that’s even higher for Black and Latinx teens. Against this backdrop, it may be even more urgent — and much harder — to build the social emotional conditions that make learning work well.

这个现金网赌钱网站六秒钟的每周EQ直播will feature one of the early pioneers who helped invent the field of social emotional learning, and educators who are on the front lines of the challenge. We’ll talk about why children and adults need SEL, what it really means, how SEL fits with racial equity, and if — how — SEL can work in Covidized education.


For decades, we’ve been advocating that social emotional learning (SEL) is the foundation for a great place to learn. In the pandemic, two truths have become more evident:

  1. SEL is essential for students, educators, and families. The academic part of learning just does not work well without a strong social emotional foundation.
  2. 在最好的时间做得很好,而且距离,混合或共价学校并不是最好的时刻,这是非常困难的。

So – how do we move forward?


阿纳贝尔·詹森(Anabel Jensen)是一位“教育者的教育者”,帮助创建了社会情感学习领域。她是美国为数不多的学校校长之一,赢得了两条联邦蓝丝带,以卓越的教育,部分原因是她帮助了他帮助开拓的社交情感学习过程。阿纳贝尔(Anabel)是联合创始人兼总裁六秒钟,联合创始人Synapse现金网赌钱网站 School和一位退休的教育教授,培训了10,000多名教师。

阿什利·塔克(Ashley Tucker)是纽约布鲁克林一所特殊教育高中的院长和特殊教育老师。她是学校的社会和情感健康顾问,并称自己为SEL爱好者。她专门促进为员工/学生建立关系的经验,并为各种学习者提供明确的SEL指导。阿什利(Ashley)对以文化上的方式实施SEL实践特别感兴趣。Ashley目前正在哥伦比亚大学的教师学院担任教育领导力和行政硕士学位,并为她的个人项目教师生产内容,并在可能的情况下向黑人老师付钱。

Cherilyn Leetis the Associate Director of Education for Six Seconds’ global team. With over a decade of classroom experience, Cherilyn’s goal is to integrate social emotional learning into all levels of education. Cherilyn develops curriculum, assessments, and workshops about emotional intelligence competencies in her role at Six Seconds. An active member of the EQ community in North America, Cherilyn is the recipient of a Fulbright grant, during which she taught students at the university level and developed training programs for faculty in Colombia. Cherilyn holds a Master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction (Gifted and Talented) from Arizona State University.

Norma cGarcésis a Bush Fellow and former Executive Director at El Colegio Charter School; in her tenure the school was recognized as a model for Latinx and many first-generation-to-college students who were not served by traditional education. As the executive director of El Colegio High School, Norma’s unrelenting vision has been to ensure the brightest future for every student who walks through the door. She has created a culturally-conscious, resilience-based environment where for the past five years, 100% of all graduating seniors have been accepted into at least one post-secondary institution. The triennial MN Student Survey found El Colegio to be the #1 school in the state for making education relevant to Latinx youth, as well as one of the safest schools to attend. Norma is a talented bilingual, bicultural educator and accomplished leader with a long history working with youth of color and their families going back over 28 years.


Joshua Freedman,联合创始人兼首席执行官,六秒钟的EQ网络,自19现金网赌钱网站97年以来一直致力于情商(EQ)的世界。乔什(Josh)的目标是让每个人都以自己的感情结交朋友……并利用情感迈向对我们所有人有用的未来。他是一名经过认证的教练,也是国际畅销书的作者领导的核心,以及其他五本关于EQ业务,家庭和学校的书籍。现金网赌钱网站在200多个国家 /地区使用了六秒钟的工具和方法……来自拉塔姆西门子的发展商业领袖(到肯尼亚地球未来的勇敢的领导人成长与联合国儿童基金会合作,免费为数百万儿童带来EQ(…我们正在努力努力实践等式。

Key Questions

  • 由于COVID-19的结果,教育的一个方面对您而变得更加重要?
  • 与您一起工作的老师在今年苦苦挣扎的教育方面是什么?
  • 大流行如何影响SEL的需求?
  • In the last few months, we’ve had many conversations on this livestream about SEL and racism — how does the BLM uprising affect your understanding of SEL?
  • What’s a strategy you see working for SEL in covidized education?
  • 您是否有一首歌或诗歌捕捉到2020年SEL挑战的句子?
  • Where and how does SEL play a role in navigating high-stress conversations among school leaders and their faculty? And between parents and administrators?
  • Many schools exist within a state of purgatory: they have opened in person until an outbreak will send them back online, they are in a holding pattern online until the state leaders or health officials say go, or they’ve shifted school calendars in an attempt to predict or outsmart the virus. What does uncertainty do for children and what are the SEL messages for children in limbo?
  • 对于那些通过广播,电视和WhatsApp消息播放学校的国家,在这种情况下,SEL的外观和听起来像什么?
  • 您希望在2020年秋天的时间里为学生,老师和家庭提供支持?

