



Alison Lalieu - 勇敢的领导枢纽创始人兼董事

艾莉森(Alison)是一位经验丰富的高管神经科学家,六秒钟情绪智力(EQ)教练从业人员和认证现金网赌钱网站DARE为LEAD™促进者,他在变革领导下的特殊性。Alison knows all too well how difficult it is being a leader in today’s turbulent times, and has dedicated her life’s work to developing emotionally intelligent, transformational leaders who are skilled in the art and neuroscience of conversation, who nurture safe, brave cultures in an innovative, creative, engaging and fun way. And who can see and capitalise on the opportunities change presents. Since authoring a global EQ Report with Six Seconds in 2020, the Six Seconds Emotional Intelligence: Leading Through Change (SEI LTC) and an online Leadership Certification, Change Leadership Online (CLO) – Alison has positioned herself as one of the most sought after Change Leadership content matter experts around the world. As the Chief Vision Officer of Courageous Leadership Hub, Alison is proud and deeply honoured to lead a community of incredible Executive Coaches who work tirelessly to deliver innovative, transformational leadership programs for a broad range of clients across Australia, New Zealand and further afield. Alison is an APAC Preferred Partner of Six Seconds and collaborates extensively with a wide range of people and thought leaders across the world in the field of EQ. Her passion for and interest in Change Leadership has led to invitations to speak at several events, and to support the successful facilitation of Change initiatives across a range of organisations. In 2019 Alison was lucky enough to be handpicked and trained by Dr. Brené Brown in Texas, to become one of her global Certified Dare to Lead™ Facilitators. It’s the greatest privilege to bring her work and research to life in a way that powerfully highlights the courage building skillsets needed for leaders to grow braver cultures, and navigate the tough conversations that will need to happen for their organizations to thrive in the next 5 years. Alison’s clients would agree that she strives to ignite transformational leadership, one conversation at a time; whether it be through mentoring students or coaching C-Suite Executives, she brings her whole, caring and authentic self every single time. Through Alison’s career, she has been blessed to share her deep interest in growing highly emotionally intelligent leaders and cultures through facilitation, training and keynote speaking in several countries, including South Korea, South Africa, United Kingdom, Ireland, New Zealand, Singapore, Mexico City, Thailand and the United Arab Emirates, and at home in Australia. She still does this now… albeit virtually!

  • 该字段是出于验证目的,应保持不变。

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对于许多人来说,情绪智力是无形的 - 因此我们创建了评估,使其清晰,可操作和实用。


EQ测试简介 个别EQ评估
使用工具查找器找到正确的评估 组织情报测试


现金网赌钱网站六秒钟开始了世界上第一个EQ实践者认证,并在如何发展情绪智力方面被广泛称为全球领导者。公共和内部EQ认证。通过解锁等式潜入这种转化方法- 然后继续获得4种专业认证:

经过认证的EQ教练 认证的社交情感学习专家
经过认证的EQ顾问 经过认证的EQ促进器



业务等式简介 寻找专家(教练,顾问,主持人)
案例研究库 bet亚洲娱乐场 bet亚洲娱乐场
金沙国际真人娱乐 现金网赌钱网站六秒的客户

您得到了您的量度 - 请衡量重要的事情


EQ测试简介 个别EQ评估
使用工具查找器找到正确的评估 组织情报测试




经过认证的EQ顾问 经过认证的EQ促进器
经过认证的EQ教练 认证的社交情感学习专家


现金网赌钱网站六秒钟是为所有利益相关者提供工具,方法和专业知识的综合来源 - 在整个年龄范围内,全球各地的教育。

教育方程简介 弹出节与联合国儿童基金会合作
什么是社交情感学习? 寻找专家(教练,顾问,主持人)
高等教育中的EQ / SEL bet亚洲娱乐场 bet亚洲娱乐场
金沙国际真人娱乐 SEL的先驱

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EQ测试简介 个别EQ评估
使用工具查找器找到正确的评估 教育生命体征


现金网赌钱网站六秒钟开始了世界上第一个EQ实践者认证,并在如何发展情绪智力方面被广泛称为全球领导者。公共和内部EQ认证。从EQ教育者认证开始- 然后继续获得4种专业认证:

经过认证的EQ教练 认证的社交情感学习专家
经过认证的EQ顾问 经过认证的EQ促进器


现金网赌钱网站六秒钟的愿景是十亿人实践情商,因为我们认为这将使世界变得更美好。我们是一个非营利组织,在每个国家,每个国家 /地区都有转型EQ工具和方法的支持者。

