
3 Key Insights from

女性in the workplace faced added challenges during the pandemic. How did women fare as leaders? While men and women are equal for many leadership tasks, most often the emotional work of leadership falls to women – and this has some surprising outcomes.

Two major research studies combine to paint a compelling picture of women’s experience at work. Here are 3 key takeaways from McKinsey’s 2021女性在工作场所报告 - 美国公司最大的妇女研究 - 六秒钟的2021年现金网赌钱网站heart报告 - 世界上最大的情商研究

经过迈克尔·米勒和帕蒂·弗里德曼(Patty Freedman)

1. Women leaders support their teams and promote employee wellbeing.

Compared to men in similar positions, women managers do significantly more to support employees. They check in more regularly, help manage workloads, and provide emotional and logistical support. Employees struggling to navigate complex work life challenges during the pandemic, or dealing with burnout, most often turn to their women leaders. The result?员工报告妇女以男性率的两倍来支持自己的职业

Consider this: McKinsey’s女性在工作场所报告发现,员工同样有可能说男人或女性高级领导人在研究2比1中的人数超过妇女的职业生涯中支持了他们,这表明赞助或指导的负担不可持续。



Emotional Tradeoffs for Women Leaders


右图的图显示了导航情绪(处理复杂性和使用情绪作为资源的能力),这与女性的进步密切相关。同时,同理心的增加(与情绪联系并适当响应的能力)也有所下降。对于男人来说,情况并非如此。Why would this be?

One possible explanation is that the expectations of organizational culture push women leaders to suppress empathy and handle increased emotional complexity – perhaps internalizing the message that women should be more like men, while still doing more emotional leadership work. Perhaps these results come from a lack of role models for women in leadership.

无论如何,该图说明了许多女性领导人面临的情感权衡。In a context of gender inequity, advancement comes with an added cost – which may help explain why women leaders experience a higher level of burnout.

2. Women leaders experience higher levels of burnout.

什么harmful effects have women leaders experienced in their home and work life as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic? Women are even more burned out than they were a year ago, likely due to the added stress and complexity of the pandemic. The burnout-gap between women and men has almost doubled. In the past year, 1 in 3 women has considered leaving the workforce or downshifting their careers — and 4 in 10 have considered leaving their company or switching jobs, per女性在工作场所



3. Emotional intelligence supports women leaders’ advancement.


RMIT大学的Leonora Risse博士说,她在职业生涯的早期就听到了无数次“自信叙事”:“您需要改变自己的事情的方式。倾斜,勇敢。您需要注册信任培训。他们推荐了一门名为“无耻自我宣传”的课程。”Risse博士挖掘了数据,以查看是否有任何证据支持这种对妇女信心的痴迷。她发现的,发表在澳大利亚劳工经济学杂志,确认她的感觉是“更像男人”是对女人的不好建议:从统计上讲,信心高的男人更经常获得奖励。妇女还获得了信心的回报,但仅在一定程度上 - 远低于男性信心与晋升和加薪相关的水平。换句话说,研究表明,“表演自信”对女性领导人的职业发展几乎没有好处[电子邮件保护]_risse

什么支持妇女的职业发展?Six Seconds’ State of the Heart report shows emotional intelligence may be the key: Female managers score 6.1% higher on total emotional intelligence than do female employees, and senior executives score 8.7% higher – suggesting that emotional intelligence helps close the “broken rung” on the advancement ladder.


2020 and 2021 are disrupting workplaces around the globe. Will these massive changes catalyze larger shifts?Virtual and hybrid workplaces are creating new demands, and new emotional complexities。这种关于领导力和促使组织以更加同情,以人为中心的领导而推动的刻板印象会发生变化吗?动荡可能加剧现有的不平等现象,或打开新的性别平等时代的大门。


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