
Essential Emotional Intelligence Resources


What is change management?

Change management is the process for designing and implementing a process of of transformation toward strategic objectives. Despite decades of study of change management and transformational process, most organizations are bad at it. At a personal level, some 90% of change efforts fail, and when it comes to organizations implementing a change management process, 70% of change efforts fail to meet their objectives.

Why does change management fail today?

The vast majority of change management efforts fail due to a lack of attention to people. Change efforts tend to be planned outside of daily operations, and then imposed from outside or above. As a result, the people affected by the change are not brought along in the process, and those responsible for change management are caught between a pressure to reach short-term results and a lack of buy-in from those “being changed.”


上面的障碍在很大程度上是情感上的。如果那些领先的变革管理过程带来额外的情绪智力,他们会认识到情感障碍和机遇。他们更有效地建立联盟,并使人们陷入变革的可能性。The essential step is a methodology that puts people at the center of the change process and works WITH emotions rather than against them.


Methods to Make Change Management More Effective with EQ



结构变革性学习 (2/8/2022) by Joshua Freedman - 对于您来说,是学习收集知识的知识...还是使用它来创建变化?我们的学习计划是生命的,因为我们与大脑和结构学习以助长增长 - 这就是方法。...
Does Hybrid Work Have to Be the Worst of Both Worlds? (1/31/2022) 迈克尔·米勒(Michael Miller) - 这里有3个提示,用于使用同理心和情商来制定优先考虑员工福祉的远程工作政策。...
How Do You Want Your Students to Feel? Emotional Intelligence Tips for Teaching (8/30/2021) by Joshua Freedman - 学习既是情感和理性的过程。我们如何融合两者?这是一个地图老师,培训师可以用来将头和心脏融合在一起。...
Is It Possible to Change? 5 Tips from Emergent Strategy Where Climate Justice and Social Justice Meet (8/15/2021) by Joshua Freedman - Facing vast challenges, it's easy to lose optimism. Yet new research says it's the key to change. How do we renew this resource? The combination of emotional intelligence and Emergent Strategy offers a path...
研究:成功领导变革的关键是强调将保持相同的事情 (4/14/2021) 迈克尔·米勒(Michael Miller) - 成功改变努力的秘密是强调什么……不改变?研究阐明了变化的神经科学。...
变革的神经科学:如何制定新年决议 (12/28/2020) by Joshua Freedman - 为什么新年的决议几乎总是失败?我们该怎么做才能使它们坚持并形成新的习惯?...
Practicing Emotional Intelligence During Covid-19 (12/3/2020) 迈克尔·米勒(Michael Miller) - While we cannot control the pandemic and all that it brings, we can control who we are and what we want to stand for in the face of it....
增加员工与EQ的互动:Komatsu案例研究 (9/23/2020) by Six Seconds - Can we measure and increase Employee Engagement in an economic challenge? What's the benefit? Case study at Komatsu plant using "Vital Signs" and "Emotional Intelligence": engagement increased from 33 to 70%. At the same time, plant performance increased by 9.4%....
Understanding and using fear to support change (8/26/2020) by Joshua Freedman - 恐惧是改变的关键。这是如何理解它,改变它的方法 - 或者无论如何都会更进一步。...
Skills of high performing leaders? (#16) (7/7/2020) by Six Seconds - People interested in EQ know that emotional intelligence is essential for leadership -- but how, exactly, are they linked? We'll unveil new research showing, for the first time, how specific EQ skills and leadership capabilities are linked... revealing a path to grow stronger leadership that WORKS in the current times....

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EQ是一项可学习的,可衡量的技能,可预测提高效力,关系,生活质量和福祉的提高(here's the research)

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对于许多人来说,情绪智力是无形的 - 因此我们创建了评估,使其清晰,可操作和实用。


EQ测试简介 个别EQ评估
使用工具查找器找到正确的评估 Organizational Emotional Intelligence Tests

Build capacity for transformation

Six Seconds started the world's first EQ Practitioner Certification and is widely known as the global leader in how to develop emotional intelligence. Public & in-house EQ certification.Dive into this transformational methodology with Unlocking EQ- then continue toward the 4 professional accreditations:

经过认证的EQ教练 认证的社交情感学习专家
经过认证的EQ顾问 Certified EQ Facilitator


Introduction to EQ in business 寻找专家(教练,顾问,主持人)
案例研究库 About Six Seconds
金沙国际真人娱乐 Six Seconds' Clients

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For effective, evidence-based development, Six Seconds publishes a system of emotional intelligence tests yielding practical, actionable insights.

EQ测试简介 个别EQ评估
使用工具查找器找到正确的评估 Organizational Emotional Intelligence Tests

Build capacity for transformation

Six Seconds started the world's first EQ Practitioner Certification and is widely known as the global leader in how to develop emotional intelligence. Public & in-house EQ certification.

Explore the pathways:

经过认证的EQ顾问 Certified EQ Facilitator
经过认证的EQ教练 认证的社交情感学习专家

At the Heart of Learning

现金网赌钱网站六秒钟是为所有利益相关者提供工具,方法和专业知识的综合来源 - 在整个年龄范围内,全球各地的教育。

Introduction to EQ in education POP-UP Festival与联合国儿童基金会合作
What is Social Emotional Learning? 寻找专家(教练,顾问,主持人)
高等教育中的EQ / SEL About Six Seconds
金沙国际真人娱乐 SEL的先驱

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For effective, evidence-based development, Six Seconds publishes a system of emotional intelligence tests yielding practical, actionable insights.

EQ测试简介 个别EQ评估
使用工具查找器找到正确的评估 教育生命体征

Build capacity for transformation

Six Seconds started the world's first EQ Practitioner Certification and is widely known as the global leader in how to develop emotional intelligence. Public & in-house EQ certification.start with the EQ Educator Certification- then continue toward the 4 professional accreditations:

经过认证的EQ教练 认证的社交情感学习专家
经过认证的EQ顾问 Certified EQ Facilitator


Six Seconds' vision is a billion people practicing emotional intelligence, because we think it will make the world a better place. We are a nonprofit org supporting changemakers in every sector, in every country, with transformational EQ tools and methods.

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