87 Ways to Be Kind and Loving

Whether it’s with loved ones or strangers, it never hurts to treat people with kindness. Here are 87 ideas – and a free activity – to #GrowKindness



有时我们只是不知道该怎么办do。We have a nagging feeling that we need to be doing something, but we’re just not sure what.

发生这种情况时,我总是喜欢坐下来花点时间进行反思。我知道,当您爱一个人时,必须有一种更好的方法,即使我不太喜欢这样做,对这些感觉的最佳解毒剂也是要采取爱心。有时我只需要更多帮助 - 一些提示,想法,让我前进的事情,改变情绪。因此,我列出了87种善良和爱心的方式。因此,下次您感到卡住并且不确定如何在那一刻友善时,请检查此列表,您肯定会找到一些可以使您朝着正确方向前进的东西。

请自由分享此列表because there just can’t be too much kindness and love in the world.


Even with people we know and love, acts of kindness don’t necessarily spring out of nowhere. It takes a conscious decision by us to be kind. Here are some tried and true ideas for how to be kind with those special people in our life.

    1. Surprise them with an unexpected visit or phone call.
    2. Give them a big hug.
    3. Express your empathy通常,我们可以做的最大的礼物是同理心的礼物。布雷恩·布朗(BrenéBrown)的这个简短视频在解释同情和同情之间的区别方面做得很好,以及为什么同情心如此出色。
    4. Give them a handwritten card or letter.
    5. Babysit for free.To new parents especially, this can mean the world. I have done this several times for my neighbors after the toddler went to bed. I could stay there in case the child woke up, but almost always I simply read my book on the couch and let the parents have a well-deserved break to go get a glass of wine.
    6. Write them a letter.
    7. 让他们用餐。当我的伴侣接受手术时,我感到非常瘦,我们所爱的人带来的冷冻饭确实有所不同。
    8. 去拜访你的父母。Tell them how much you appreciate them (or at least one thing about them you appreciate).
    9. 对待他们最喜欢的咖啡。
    10. 说“我爱你”有意义。
    11. Tell them how wonderful they are and how happy you are to have them in your life.
    12. Ask, “How can I help you?”
    13. 让他们喝杯茶
    14. 仔细听他们而不打扰
    15. 说:“对不起。”
    16. Buy them a gift from the dollar store.
    17. 帮助家务。
    18. Tell them you wish you understood.
    19. 带他们ibruprofen的头痛。
    20. Invite them to play.
    21. Acknowledge and respect their feelings even if you feel they are not accurate / appropriate.
    22. Hold their hand.
    23. 给他们买一块小巧克力(但如果他们在节食上没有。:-))
    24. Gently wash and dress their cut/wound.
    25. 告诉他们您刚刚与他们在一起的一天中最好的部分。
    26. Let them sleep.
    27. 给他们喝水。
    28. 穿或使用他们在面前给您的礼物。
    29. 向自己叹息。
    30. 即使您必须伪造它,也要使用善良的声音。
    31. Listen for the feelings behind the words.
    32. Put chocolate chips in their pancakes.
    33. Visit a sick friend.
    34. 给他们洗个澡。
    35. 给一个新妈妈她自己的礼物。
    36. 尊重某人的愿望。
    37. 写爱的消息,然后把它们放在午餐中。
    38. 选择他们可能喜欢的书,然后将其借给朋友。
    39. Take the garbage out for a friend.
    40. 他们哭泣时抱着他们。
    41. Give them a chocolate bandaid.
    42. Invite them over for scones and clotted cream.
    43. Send a copy of a photo to the person in it.
    44. Make someone else’s bed.
    45. 与需要它的人分享您的知识。
    46. 分享您的花园中的草药。
    47. Share a good recipe.

Download this FREE activity to teach kids about kindness #GrowKindness

How to Be Kind with Strangers

To feel the many benefits of kindness, both internal and external, it’s not necessary to know the person at all. Sometimes acts of kindness for strangers are the most powerful kind.

  1. 带玫瑰到家里的某人为老人带来。或者只是为了与某人联系和交谈而去那里。
  2. Say please and thank you.
  3. Let someone go first through a door.
  4. 买一盒饼干并提供它们。
  5. 携带某人的行李。
  6. 拿起一些垃圾。
  7. Be extra polite.
  8. Donate your “read” books to the library.
  9. Buy a sandwich for the person asking for cash in front of the grocery store.
  10. Hold up your hand in thanks when other drivers let you through.
  11. Welcome new people to your neighborhood, school, club, etc. – Community is an essential part of a happy life, but it’s also something that many of us feel is missing. A simple phone call or message of welcome can really mean the difference to someone who is in a new, vulnerable situation.
  12. 为某人打开门。
  13. Buy a stranger lunch. The last time this happened to me, I was traveling in Guatemala – and it touched me very deeply.
  14. Put change in an expiring meter.
  15. 提供座位。
  16. Return a misplaced or lost item.
  17. Smile at every stranger at the mall.
  18. Donate your unwanted items
  19. 向军队发送护理包。
  20. 分享您的本土蔬菜。
  21. Pay for a strangers bridge toll.
  22. Write Post-It notes with encouraging messages and leave them in library books.
  23. Write a thank you note.
  24. Leave some change at the coffee machine.
  25. Let people through in traffic.
  26. Use a compost bin and recycle as much as possible.
  27. 承认别人对你的好意。
  28. Leave a tip plus another dollar.
  29. Pay a compliment.
  30. 将您的旧杂志留在候诊室。
  31. 志愿者。
  32. Buy some flowers and give them out.
  33. 让某人在结帐时继续前进。
  34. Be patient when you want to yell.
  35. Water someone’s drying / dying flowers.
  36. Let someone cut in line at the movie theater.
  37. Listen carefully to what someone is really passionate about.
  38. Ask a customer service person genuinely how they’re doing.
  39. Invite someone who recently moved to town for coffee.
  40. 要有更多的耐心和理解。

Thank you for reading.


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