“Keeping emotions out of it,” and “not being so emotional,” are the keys to making good decisions, right?


与普遍的看法和科学(MIS)理解相反,事实证明,完全相反。根据最近发表的一项研究,将情绪从中摆脱出来实际上是决策的灾难。这项最新的研究增加了越来越多的证据表明,情感在大脑中的作用与大多数科学家几十年来的作用不同 - 我们really当我们做出决定时,不想让情绪保持不变。


Even the most mundane, rational decisions rely on emotional data. It’s time to replace this outdated mode of thinking with a model based on current neuroscience.


几十年来,科学家一直认为认知和情感是大脑中两个很大程度上分开的系统。即使研究人员开始发现两者相互依存关系的证据,这种相互作用通常是根据情绪干扰我们更高级别的认知过程的。正如神经科学家玛丽·海伦·伊莫迪诺(Mary Helen Inmordino-Yang)所描述的那样学习风景, they have traditionally been treated like two players in a china shop: cognition the valuable glassware, emotions the toddler run amok, breaking the wares.

That’s where our cultural mindset about “keeping emotions out of it” and making “rational decisions” comes from. For many, many decades, this mode of thinking dominated in the scientific community, too.






“By compromising the possibility of evoking emotions associated with certain past situations, decision options, and outcomes, the patients became unable to select the most appropriate response based on their past experience. Their logic and knowledge could be intact, but they failed to use past emotional knowledge to guide the reasoning process… ”

Mary Helen Immordino-Yang


So contrary to decades of scientific and cultural understanding, emotions play a fundamental role in rational thought, or at least in the ability to do something about those thoughts.没有情感学习和社会反馈的指导,理性的思想和逻辑推理能力几乎没有用。情绪是动机,推动力。他们提供umph。知道决定是冒险是一回事,但是要感受与冒险相关的焦虑和适当的恐惧是另一回事 - 这是差异在做出决定时的差异

The China Shop Analogy

This causes us to rethink our assumptions about the roles of emotion and cognition in the china shop. While cognition is still the valuable glassware, emotions are hardly the dangerous child run amok. They are more like the shelves, supporting and stabilizing the wares.



Rethinking Emotions

在这里可能有助于退后一步,看看大局。情绪是身体释放的神经激素回应我们对世界的看法。They’re a sort of primary filter that focuses our attention and motivates us toward a specific course of action. Hence the importance for decision making. Even if we know that a tiger is dangerous or that a walk in the park makes us feel good, it’s the emotional response of fear and joy that really motivates us to hide from a tiger or go for a walk in the park – not knowing logically that we should. And the more we learn to recognize and respond appropriately to our emotions (恐惧– protect!,joy- 做更多的事情 -不知所措- 优先考虑!),我们个人和专业人士越有效。

Instead of suppressing or feeling indifferent toward emotions, what if we embraced them and listened to them?

这是一个称为的过程99现金网注册 正是通过这种认知和情感共同努力的过程,我们做出了最佳决定。



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