
how well teams connect,
创建和协作 -





恩,那就对了。多年来,世界上最强大的公司之一一直在研究团队合作,最终证实了您的幼儿园老师在这些年前告诉您的事情:轮流倾听。Google的人分析团队从其他更复杂的解释开始。他们认为,创建高表现团队的秘密是将彼此喜欢的人分组在一起,他们在办公室外面进行社交。也许这是关于具有不同的性格类型,例如内向和外向的人的正确比例。但是最后他们发现这一点并不重要在团队中。他们发现谁在团队和球队的成功之间没有任何关系 -在其他地方复制的发现

与团队成功有什么关系?团队如何行动,尤其是这两种行为:轮流和倾听。(他们在对话转弯和夸张的聆听中使用了术语平等,使其听起来更高级。)当一个小组的成员以大致相同的数量讲话时,该团队更有可能成功。同样,当小组成员练习积极的聆听时 - 关闭笔记本电脑,进行眼神交流并重复某人刚才说的话 - 这也与团队成功密切相关。

How to use emotional intelligence to leaders implement this finding with emotional intelligence:

  • Observe the conversational equality within your team and use your power as an amplifier.Some people are quiet because of their personality style, while others may be quiet because they don’t have the positional power or influence. In both cases, their comments are often ignored, which reduces their feelings of safety and also signals to other group members that, “Here, it’s okay to ignore some people,” which will reduce safety for all. Use your power to amplify those voices by calling the group’s attention to the contributions that are being overlooked:“I want to circle back to Joanna’s comment earlier, I’m not sure everyone heard it. Joanna, would you mind repeating your observation?”

  • Model active listening.Close your laptop, make eye contact, repeat back what you’ve just heard and ask for clarifications. Set that as the standard for the group during meetings.

Does it matter what team members say, or just that they take turns and listen? The next question dives deeper into this topic.

3. Do team members share genuine feelings?

沃顿商务管理教授迈克尔·帕克(Michael Parke)的最新研究发现了另一种与团队成功相关的相关行为:情感开放。研究, 出版于Organization Science,发现当员工在工作中表达情绪并且同事以同理心做出反应时,它会为该小组提供各种富有成效和有益的成果:更多的创造力,M矿石有效解决问题,一个折磨的能力产生新想法,等等。

这一发现与老式管理信念背道而驰 - 在世界各地的组织中仍然普遍存在 - 最好是“摆脱情绪”在上班。由于这种信念,忽略,压制或消除员工的情绪已成为普遍的做法,但是这项研究表明,领导者应该做相反的事情。用帕克自己的话说沃顿商业每天在Siriusxm上:“我认为最重要的是,对于领导者而言,最重要的是有勇气应对情绪,而不仅仅是积极的情绪,而且要好奇,验证人们的经历,而不是试图将他们扔掉,而不是试图忽略他们。”


How leaders can implement this finding with emotional intelligence:

  • Watch and listen for cues那show discomfort or dissatisfaction and ask good questions about those. There’s a vast quantity of data in any interpersonal interaction. To access this data, pause to watch the meeting — who’s sitting forward, who’s holding back? Who’s frowning? Who’s tone of voice is escalated or tight? By attending to these cues, you can identify if there’s an unspoken issue about safety. Sometimes this is best addressed one-to-one after a meeting: “I noticed that in the meeting you were frowning and didn’t say much, and I’m hoping you’d be willing to tell me a bit about what you’re perceiving that I may have missed.” Or, if it’s a generalized feeling, address the group:“I‘m noticing there are mixed emotions about this topic. I want to take a moment to hear some of the feelings in the room.” The more this is practiced, the quicker it simply becomes the norm for the group.
  • 采用心态所有情绪都有价值,拥抱各种情感。验证人们的感受并一起探索它们。Plutchik的情感之轮是探索数十种情绪的信息和目的的重要资源,即使是我们许多人都被社交以忽略或压制的挑战。



This next question is about another aspect of the team’s emotional climate: safety.

4. Do people feel safe making mistakes?

In addition to the observable behaviors of taking turns and listening, Google’s亚里士多德项目确定了许多信念或感觉,这些信念或感觉会在工作中有效合作。一种感觉是通过其最具创新性,表现最高的团队共享的?psychological safety – the belief that it is acceptable to voice your opinion and that you won’t be punished when you make a mistake. Psychological safety is hard to define. But when you’re in a group that has it, you can feel it. It’s the sense of comfort and safety that liberates employees to speak up – to share ideas that challenge the status quo, a superior’s idea, or even a company’s current direction on a project. It’s the willingness to share an idea that sounds a little crazy or isn’t fully formed yet. It’s knowing that if you try something different and it fails, you won’t be chastised, unfairly punished or fired. It’s a culture that values inclusion, honesty and reasonable risk taking.

心理安全的核心是信任 - 这种不可见的感觉驱动了很多行为,尤其是在小组环境中。影响是巨大的。研究表明,信任较高的公司具有更高的效率和生产率,并提高了协作 -在高信托公司中,员工的参与度增加了76%,生产力增加了50%,倦怠量减少了40%。

总体,Six Seconds’2017年的生命力报告发现,信任预测绩效的62%。


  • 收集有关情绪的客观数据。以上有关信任和绩效的数据来自经过验证的EQ评估。除非已经存在高信任,否则团队成员将更有可能分享他们在匿名调查中真正提出具有挑战性的想法的感觉,而不是与团队负责人。

  • 采取实际步骤来改善信任,尤其是当它破裂时。这是实用的提示评估关系当前的信任水平,请求更多信任赚取信任。For a macro look at trust in organizations and its impact on performance, check outthis research summary



Martine HaaMark Mortensen在世界各地的组织中,研究团队有效性已有20多年了。他们的研究,在哈佛商业评论中突出显示,发现团队成功的最重要因素是引人注目的方向或目标。


正如这句话明确的那样,共同目标是必不可少的原因是因为动机。没有明确的目标,很难动机。而且目标必须取得既有挑战又可以实现的微妙平衡:过度谦虚的目标不会激励人们,而不可能的目标使人们沮丧。另外,为了真正激励,团队目标必须与有意义的目标保持一致,以吸引人们的内在动力 - 详细介绍了下面的内容。





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