
Unlikely Gratitude:在其他,平凡,烦人或可怕的情况下寻找增长的机会。

For example: A few weeks ago, we met Leslie, a people-pleaser yoga teacher, and herSandpaper Person,一个难以理解的瑜伽学生。莱斯利不太可能的感谢是对自己和学生的性格不匹配。由于她的学生,莱斯利(Leslie)正在学习如何在学生对她的认可之外找到自己的价值。她将这种具有挑战性的局势作为成长的机会。

Illuminate: Cultivate Your Growth Mindset with Unlikely Gratitude

Have you heard of a“成长心态”?
In education circles, a growth mindset is defined as the student’s belief that intelligence can be developed through hard work, effective strategies, and support from others. The opposite would be a fixed mindset: When a student believes that, if he’s not born with intelligence, he will never be smart.研究后的研究研究proves the value of a student with a growth mindset; inone studyof nearly 170,000 students, those with a growth mindset werethree times比具有固定心态的学生更有可能在成就测试中得分高。

But the value of the growth mindset doesn’t end with the academic achievements of children.
我们所有人都可以将成功的可能性增加三倍,但是您选择通过培养成长心态来定义它。我们通过认为我们的技能不是固定的,我们培养这种方式与孩子的方式相同。通过艰苦的工作,有效的策略和他人的帮助,我们也可以在任何挑战中成长。培养成年成长心态的有效策略之一称为“Unlikely Gratitude.”

An example of Unlikely Gratitude:My friend, Alea, lives with anxiety. Right now, she finds herself in a time of a lot of uncertainty. This uncertainty understandably heightens her anxiety, and she decided to identify the Unlikely Gratitude of her situation: Because her anxiety is heightened, she has more ground to better understand it. She’s using this opportunity to reach out to a therapist, put more of her attention toward mitigating her anxiety, and find new strategies for working with her anxiety.

Next, you will cultivate your growth mindset by identifying the Unlikely Gratitude in your own challenging situation.

What is your Unlikely Gratitude? Three steps to cultivating a Growth Mindset:

1:找到一张纸 +笔。

2: Identify a challenging situation you are currently facing. If you are stuck, you could think of one that leaves you feeling hopeless or intimidated.

3: What is the unlikely gratitude in your situation? Pose this question to yourself: This situation is perfectly crafted for your unique growth. How? What are your bigger goals in life, and how could this situation serve as rungs on a ladder toward those goals?



Now that you’ve identified your Unlikely Gratitude, you may want to consider进一步. How might you identify further effective strategies and others who could help you? How might you motivate yourself to work harder?


下周,在美国,是感恩节假期。这意味着您可以期待另一个以感激之情为主题的照明,您将练习培养 +分享感激之情。下周见!

PS- While writing this, something happened with my computer and I lost half the text! I had to laugh– what an Unlikely Gratitude to practice patience… ?

Illuminate是一个每周的电子邮件系列,它提供实用的技巧 +镀锌灵感来实践情感聪明的生活。在我们在一起的时期,我们将从以下假设中进行操作您拥有自己内心所需的所有智慧 +您有一个世界需要看到的目标。We will explore the tools + techniques to illuminate your own inner wisdom and purpose. If you’d like to receive this free gift of goodness in your inbox every week, subscribehere.


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