

My best friend Ben used to tell me in high school that my guardian angel was “overworked and underpaid.” He wasn’t the only person who thought that I had spectacular luck; that great situations seemed to fall into my lap – and still do. In fact, another friend just the other day was lovingly mocking me when I told him about the house I am renting for way below market value in the absurdly expensive Bay Area.


您可以创造可能性通过超越您认为可用的东西,创建更多连接by focusing on what you can offer.


当我梦到时,我联系人们说:“我也对x, can I help in any way?” I told people, “Ideally I want to live somewhere rustic in a beautiful setting, because of this experience I had…”And time after time, I found options that didn’t exist before, which led to me crafting a beautiful, unique life. A perfect life, for me.

Craigslist and other sites were certainly helpful as a starting point. But both my work and my housing came from me looking beyond what was available, and looking beyond what I wanted to get. I started focusing on what I could offer, what I通缉提供。它打开了似乎关闭的门,或者至少没有在那些无尽的滚动广告上。

在我对为什么它如此奏效的智力理解之前,我一直拥护这个对人生成功的秘诀。现在,我看到力量来自于乐观 - 事实证明,它已经进行了很好的研究,并与几乎幽默的积极成果清单相关。

Why this secret to life success works

乔什·弗里德曼(Josh Freedman)对乐观的定义是我的最爱之一:

“Optimism is knowing there are possibilities even when you can’t see them.”

约书亚·弗里德曼(Joshua Freedman)


当我第一次听到对乐观的定义时,Six Seconds’ EQ Practitioner coursein Menlo Park, California, it was a real ‘aha’ moment.这就是生命成功的秘诀的真正作用:当您超越自己的想法并寻找可以给予的东西时,就会培养一种可能性和开放性的心态。

When I felt like my only option for finding a job was to spend endless hours on Craigslist or Monster, I felt trapped, like I could see all my options and I wasn’t very enthused by them. But I when I decided to really put myself out there and offer to help, I felt liberated and a world of possibilities opened up that didn’t seem to be there before.

我想和孩子们一起工作,所以我向一个名为Luma Yoga&Family Center的新业务发送了一条消息。我告诉他们我对正念充满热情,社交情感学习, and supporting new families, and that I was new in town and had time to help out. I came as a volunteer the 1st week, and they offered me a job the next week. I worked there, and loved it, for years.


Neither place was hiring when they hired me. I went after what I wanted, even though it didn’t seem available, and it turned out it was available. And the more I have practiced this and seen things work out better than I could have hoped, the more I adopt this general mindset of possibility and lose my fear of offering to help in a way that hasn’t been specified.

It’s been incredibly effective for me in crafting positive outcomes, and it turns out, I am not alone.

The secret to life success… and a longer life

写这样的列表几乎很有趣,但是optimism has been linked to better overall health, longer lives, improved immune function, less hypertension and heart disease, lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol, lower susceptibility to viral infections, lower rates of rehospitalization after surgery, and even, better luck.这是生活成功的秘诀,也可以延长您的生活!人们对乐观的好处(包括纵向研究)有很多研究,因此很难夸大其词。


乐观的两个主要系统被称为性格乐观和解释风格。倾向的乐观情绪普遍对将来会发生的事情产生积极的期望。Explanatory style is how you respond to good or bad news: whether you think it’s permanent, pervasive and how much power you have. And actually, both are necessary for adopting this mindset of openness and possibility. To put yourself out there at all, of course, it helps to have a generally positive expectation of what will happen. But also, when you ask for things that you aren’t even sure are possible, rejection is inevitably a part of it. And how you respond is so important. Think about these two responses and the different path they put you on.

I found this organization that shares so many of my values, and I drop off a resumé. I stop by a couple days later to check on it, and… they tell me they aren’t currently hiring. When in pessimism, we may think, “I will never get a job I love,” “It’s affecting my entire life,” and “There’s nothing else I can do. Oh well.” A person in optimism, on the other hand, might think, “It’s frustrating to not have a job yet, but I have many blessings in life and this won’t last forever,” and, furthermore, realize they have power: “I can ask them if they need any extra volunteer help, even once a week. And if not, I will keep trying with other orgs.” One is a brick wall; the other, a door.知道即使您看不到它们也有可能。这种无所畏惧的产品通常会导致选择的真正扩展。

相似地,看看这些在手术前如何发展出更乐观的心态。Cultivating optimistic thought patterns is really amazing. And what’s even more amazing, as discussed above, is that your pre surgery optimism may even lead to a better recovery.

通过单击下面的按钮,您可以得到free slidesthat give you practical tools for improving your ability to practice these two types of optimism – or for teaching others how to tap into the power of optimism.



越来越多的研究表明,乐观是您可以学习和改进的东西。我认为很多年是固定的特征。您很乐观或悲观。但这绝对是一项可学习的技能 - 六秒钟的目标之一就是在此过程中帮助人们。现金网赌钱网站


Six Seconds’ goal is to take the emerging science of emotional intelligence and help people put it into action. So we write articles like these and offer free resources like these optimism slides with speaker notes. Whether you’re a coach working with clients, leader in a company, or a practitioner for yourself and your family, having the tools to practice optimism is essential.



Michael Miller
迈克尔·米勒(Michael Miller)的最新帖子(see all)

Emotional intelligence (EQ) = being smarter with feelings


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现金网赌钱网站六秒钟开始了世界上第一个EQ实践者认证,并在如何发展情绪智力方面被广泛称为全球领导者。公共和内部EQ认证。通过解锁等式潜入这种转化方法- 然后继续获得4种专业认证:

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Six Seconds provides businesses with tools, methods & expertise to improve the people-side of performance with emotional intelligence. As shown in the case study library, EQ strengthens leadership, team effectiveness, customer service/sales, accelerating change, and building a high-performing culture.

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现金网赌钱网站六秒钟开始了世界上第一个EQ实践者认证,并在如何发展情绪智力方面被广泛称为全球领导者。公共和内部EQ认证。start with the EQ Educator Certification- 然后继续获得4种专业认证:

Certified EQ Coach Certified Social Emotional Learning Specialist
Certified EQ Consultant 经过认证的EQ促进器


现金网赌钱网站六秒钟的愿景是十亿人实践情商,因为我们认为这将使世界变得更美好。我们是一个非营利组织,在每个国家,每个国家 /地区都有转型EQ工具和方法的支持者。


