


t赠款研究is one of the world’s deepest pieces of longitudinal research. Researchers, funded by department store magnate W.T. Grant, began to track Harvard graduates in the 1930s. Seven decades later, the study’s director did not mince words about the importance of social connections. Community is “what keeps us happy and healthy. Period.”

该研究长期导演乔治·瓦兰特(George Vaillant)说,关系是人生成功的最大预测指标。除了福祉和专业成就外,人际关系可能会使我们活着。

减少死亡机会的最有效方法是什么?最近的研究在杨百翰大学,Young University评估了从饮食到运动再到社交行为的广泛因素。再一次,这是一种社区感和牢固的关系,排名第一。与吸烟,饮酒或饮食习惯相比,社交联系更能预测寿命。比吸烟更具预测性!!


人类学家罗宾·邓巴(Robin Dunbar)数十年来研究了我们可以维持有意义关系的人数受到大脑规模的限制。看来理想的人类社区约为150人。


In the 1990s, while researching primates’ social grooming habits, Dunbar noticed a correlation between primate brain size and the social groups they formed. He found that the bigger the primate’s brain (specifically the size of their neocortex – a recently evolved part of the brain参与感官感知,有意识的思想和语言等较高功能)the larger the social groups they form. And by plotting the correlation and extrapolating it to the size of the human brain, Dunbar made a famous prediction that has become known as Dunbar’s number:the number of people that one person can maintain meaningful relationships with is about 150.


正如马尔科姆·格拉德威尔(Malcolm Gladwell)在他的畅销书中讨论的那样临界点,邓巴(Dunbar澳大利亚的沃尔比里(Walbiri大于200。一个自给自足的宗教团体Hutterites遵循数百年历史的传统,该传统将一个村庄分为两个时,达到了150人。

这就是邓巴的电话号码。根据我们的新皮层的规模,人类可以维持约150个稳定的社会关系。这是我们研究如何建立社区的好起点 - 至少我们知道我们正在与之合作。但是,显然,我们与这150人的关系在我们与每个人的距离之间有很大差异。值得庆幸的是,Dunbar及其同事的进一步研究将这个数字分为层次,基于关系的亲密关系,这就是真正的乐趣在我们生活中有意识地建立社区的角度开始的地方。


人类社会群体的结构是一系列范围,这些层次超出了150个数字。”邓巴最近在一个人中说面试科学美国人。“一般来说,人类每个人都有一到两个特别的朋友,五个亲密的朋友,15个最好的朋友,50个好朋友,150个'Just Friends'和500个熟人。我们的关系形成了一系列扩展的圈子,这些圈子的规模增加,关系的强度和质量降低。”

t他se layers have been confirmed by studies of phone records, and more recently, Facebook.

邓巴(Dunbar)及其同事在牛津(Oxford)进行的一项研究研究了一个未透露姓名的欧洲国家的3500万人的60亿个电话。这发生在通讯应用程序和社交网站广泛使用之前,手机电话仍然是社交接触的主要途径。他们计算了每个人对他或她的联系人的电话数量,并使用聚类算法来查看结果。他们发现了什么?t他average cumulative layer held 4.1, 11.0, 29.8, and 128.9 people.“These numbers are a little smaller than the conventional numbers for Dunbar layers, but within their natural range of variation,” the researchers said. It seems reasonable to suppose the number is slightly smaller because cell phone data covers only a portion of a person’s total social interactions.


Dunbar’s number and layers rest on a solid foundation of scientific research.所有这些让我思考:谁是我的5、15、50和150,还是我想参加每个小组?

What am I contributing to each of those circles of people, and what are they giving to me?

Honestly, until I asked myself these questions, I never realized I had so many choices in terms of how to build community.我将社区视为发生的事情,而不是我可以自觉创造的事情。But that is one of the biggest lessons from Dunbar’s research: we have a limited capacity to have relationships with other people. Our brains can only handle so much. So it’s essential to leverage our social capacity to really fulfill our needs, and get the mental and physical health benefits that research continues to find in individuals with strong social networks.

to that end, asking yourself these questions can help you take more control of your social life. Consciously thinking about your social relationships – where they are, where you want them to be, and what you want out of them – is the first step to building the social network that you really crave. And I made this exercise to help myself, and you or whoever else, do exactly that. It takes about 10 minutes to go through, but it helps build a foundation for applying Dunbar’s research to real life and making sure you’re creating the best possible community and support network for yourself.







杨百翰大学长寿的研究发现,生存的前两个预测因素是我们社会生活的两个不同但相关的方面。首先是您的亲密关系。这些是最接近您的圈子中的人 - 与您有亲密关系的5或15人。这些是您可以指望带您去医生的人,当您遇到生存危机时与您坐下,或者在您的汽车崩溃时接您。哈佛大学的赠款研究类似地发现,亲密关系可以预测精神和身体健康。他们充当生活的一种保护性香脂。

But the other aspect of our social lives that predicts longevity, even more strongly than our close relationships, is something called social integration. It refers to how many people you interact with as you go through your day. This includes the people you’re really close to, but also the “weaker” bonds that make up your wider community. Do you know who makes your coffee? Do you know that guy who walks his dog by your house every morning? What about the person who grows the food you eat? Are you part of a book club or game night? Research shows that the strength of these bonds are highly correlated with how long you will live.




根据罗宾·邓巴(Robin Dunbar)的说法,一些活动(他称之为灵长类动物的身体修饰)产生了特别强烈的社会联系感。发现慢跑,唱歌,跳舞和讲故事特别纽带。邓巴说,社会方面似乎加剧了积极影响:“”我们的研究发现,您将从任何体育锻炼中获得内啡肽的踢球,但是如果与其他人同步完成,那么效果会大大提高。”社会联系的另一个共同因素是笑声。当我们笑时,我们会释放内啡肽,这极大地有助于与他人联系。

t他se activities help us feel connected, and as shown by the BYU and Harvard studies, contributes to our mental and physical wellbeing: “Laughing together, jogging together, dancing together, singing together, telling emotionally wrenching stories, going to see weepy films—these activities buffer the body biochemically and immunologically against the kinds of coughs and colds of everyday life.”

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