
我们度过了一个周末,被家人和朋友包围。艾玛(Emma)在第一年的7月4日。奇怪的是,我的母亲和婆婆(帕蒂的妈妈)现在都在移动。So this weekend was also one of saying good-bye to old houses, which is sad because so many memories get tied up in those places– saying good-bye to the bricks and mortar is easy, but knowing I won’t again sit on the deck, or walk in the roses, or see our carpentry is hard.

So maybe that poignancy led me to thinking about our fathers. I have never met Patty’s, and while I have one present father, I have one who still has not seen Emma. I was wondering if they are her grandfathers, or more like the distant relatives that I know only from a fading photo.

我现在觉得我永远是艾玛生活的一部分。今天,我想象她是30岁,没有见到她,没有见到她的孩子。我不能以这个缺席的角色来想象自己 - 也许是因为我自己的经验,或者由于我自己缺乏经验,我看不到我们被切断了。



就我本身而言,我的猜测是,我们对离婚都更加健康,更快乐 - 但我不明白缺席,遣散费和墙壁。我不明白我们的世界如何在这些裂痕中生存。



我担心艾玛(Emma)的祖父和我本人是父亲,我担心作为一个社会,我们对独立感到困惑。我们已经说服自己,尤其是男人,独立意味着不需要任何人。这种独立很容易。没有真正的后果,我们的情感要塞背后是安全的,很容易剪掉弦。然而,没有自由,没有机会像我们自己更大的东西一样聚在一起。Bogart走进雾气,“三个小生命不构成豆类的山丘”之类的 - 它在屏幕上表现良好,但对我们最大的抱负留下了毫无意义的意义。


But this year, around the barbecue, I got to see people who love my daughter simply because she is a beautiful baby, and part of our family, and because we need one another. Today I got to see that there are other options — that it can be Interdependence Day. This does not mean our absent fathers with suddenly reappear –but that we can change the system.

I hope this is a year of extending relationships, and that next year I will watch the fireworks and see the glimmering motes as the connections we have built.

– Josh

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For effective, evidence-based development, Six Seconds publishes a system of emotional intelligence tests yielding practical, actionable insights.

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Build capacity for transformation

Six Seconds started the world's first EQ Practitioner Certification and is widely known as the global leader in how to develop emotional intelligence. Public & in-house EQ certification.start with the EQ Educator Certification- then continue toward the 4 professional accreditations:

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Six Seconds' vision is a billion people practicing emotional intelligence, because we think it will make the world a better place. We are a nonprofit org supporting changemakers in every sector, in every country, with transformational EQ tools and methods.


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