At the core of emotional intelligence is a choice between consciousness and reactivity. “Fight or Flow” explores that choice and provides practical strategies for practicing emotional intelligence.

您是否曾经见过其中一个喷泉之一,一个大石球似乎漂浮在水垫上?数百磅的岩石滑行在旋转的圈子中 - 显然很轻松。


我们存在的核心是一组有助于我们生存的反应。数千年的实践已经完善了我们保护自己免受威胁和危险的能力。我们没有像乌龟一样的贝壳或类似老虎的尖牙 - 我们有超敏感的大脑。

当我们的大脑意识到威胁时,他们会反应保护我们。这是边缘大脑(或“情绪大脑”)内置的生存反应。根据生物学和经验,这种保护来自战斗,逃离或冻结。有些人还添加了另一个“ f” - “蜂拥而至”或放牧。几乎不可能避免这种冲动,我们从字面上坚决地做出这种反应以防御威胁。

So, if I threaten you, I can almost guarantee that you will react by fighting, fleeing, or freezing. You will “be defensive” by attacking back, retreating, evading, or ganging up with others. Of course, depending on your reaction, you can almost guarantee that I will respond with one of those as well.

“威胁响应”是丹尼尔·戈尔曼(Daniel Goleman)博士所说的“劫持杏仁核”的一部分,在约瑟夫·莱多克斯(Joseph Ledoux)博士的研究中是很好的定义。Amgydala是大脑中的主要情感中心之一。一种核心功能是对感知的危险做出反应。正如彼得·萨洛维(Peter Salovey)博士所说,这种反应实际上是我们情绪智慧的一个例子 - 遵循一种“情感逻辑”,而决定的决定很少或没有认知思想;问题在于,我们很少有人发展了智力的这一方面。

So what constitutes “threat” from the amygdala’s point of view? Almost any interaction where someone is trying to take power over someone else will trigger the “survival response.” People try to take power by putting others down, shaming, blaming, embarrassing, judging, discrediting, and dividing.

You can see this dynamic at play on a daily basis in most businesses, schools, and families. I want to be right so I walk in blaming and judging, putting down other people; if I “make them less” it seems to strengthen my position. The other person reacts in survival mode, and the situation escalates. It happens almost every time. Yet, time after time, I see myself and others surprised and disappointed when people are defensive!


Think how often something like this happens to you: You try and “put aside your feelings” and act calmly, but people respond as if you’ve attacked them.

(MIS)理解的原因之一来自我们边缘大脑中的另一种生存机制。我们不仅采取行动来保护攻击,而且对潜在威胁非常敏感。边缘大脑实际上在他人中寻求表明危险的感觉,就像“危险雷达”。危险雷达寻找潜在的敌对情绪,例如愤怒,沮丧,恐惧,焦虑。焦虑是当今压力大的环境中的主要问题 - 我们的大脑不断提醒我们为战斗做好准备。

当您和我在说话时,您的边缘大脑是一个危险的雷达,检查我。假设我试图显得平静,但是在下面我真的很沮丧。不和你在一起,我只是对我在电话上听到的东西感到沮丧。因此,我与您交谈,并要求您从事一个项目。我的话不是不合理的,但是在您的雷达下方正在捡拾东西。您感觉到我的话和我的感受不符。您可能不知道我的感受,您只是感觉到存在问题。只是不匹配本身就足以在您身上造成恐惧 - 毕竟,我向您隐藏了一些东西,而您的边缘大脑知道,当人们欺骗您时,可能是因为他们想伤害您。

我们的“危险雷达”作品的一种方式是阅读面部表情和语气。在艾伯特·梅赫拉布(Albert Mehrabian)博士在加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)的研究中,团队发现,沟通的情感内容中只有7%以语言为单词 - 其余的就是语气,肢体语言和表达。保罗·埃克曼(Paul Ekman)博士在面部表达方面的工作加强了这一结论。埃克曼(Ekman)发现,人们通过“微观表达”展示了大量的情感信息,这些信息在我们所有的面孔上飘扬。埃克曼说,尽管大多数人都注意到这些表达的一般模式,但很少有人能准确地“读取”微观表达流。因此,虽然我们总体上可以告诉某人感到烦恼并试图隐藏它,但我们可能无法分辨他们的不满是否针对我们!


Given this dynamic, it’s no wonder people spend so much time and energy attacking and defending, being right, making others wrong. “Flowing” like the stone ball fountain is tremendously challenging amidst all this hostility.


  1. 人们在感知危险时(以F)为自己辩护。
  2. 我们的杏仁核正在寻找可能是危险的情绪,例如愤怒或恐惧。单词,表达和感觉之间的不匹配是危险的。
  3. 焦虑或压力增加了“危险警报水平”,因此我们更加敏感。
  4. 如果我们的方法中有任何“攻击”,我们邀请 - 几乎保证 - 防御。即使我们试图掩盖我们的挫败感和愤怒。

What can you do about it? In Part Two will explore the metaphor of the fountain and the opportunities we have to flow instead of fight. In the mean time,尝试这些练习提高您的意识of Hitting Back First and the Danger Radar.

  • 收听您自己的“危险雷达”了解什么是触发您的飞行,战斗或冻结反应的感觉。在第二天或两天,请注意自己要么生气,沮丧,恐惧或防御性。您同时还有其他什么感觉?您什么时候发现自己想打架?逃离?冻结(或关闭)?您有什么身体感觉 - 手掌,肠子,脖子/背部/肩膀?
  • 玩“无声电影游戏”在午餐,在公共汽车上或在机场上:看人们,看看您是否可以猜出里面发生了什么。当您让某人一起玩时,游戏会更有趣 - 你们每个人都观察到同一场景,然后比较您认为每个人的感觉的笔记。
  • 查看自己的微观表达。让某人录像您进行的活动会引起各种各样的感觉(例如与岳母交谈)。然后观看每隔几秒钟暂停胶带。如果您感到大胆,请邀请您的“无声电影游戏”伴侣与您一起观看;您可能会惊讶于他/他能看到多少。
  • 创建一个“压力-O米”- 它可以像索引卡一样简单,比例为1-10,而您可以上下滑动纸条。When you’re really fatigued, stretched, at the end of your rope, or anxious, put the clip near 10. When you’re cool and collected, put it near 1. A few times each day, check in with yourself, notice your stress level, and mark it on the stress-o-meter. Don’t do anything to “manage” the stress right now — just notice.
  • 同时,注意您自己的反应水平如何改变与压力-O仪一起。同样,不要判断它或更改它,只需注意您的压力O-Meter水平如何影响您的危险雷达。您可以通过将一堆便士放在一个口袋或桌子的角落里,使其变得更加有趣。每当您感到被动时,就将一分钱放在罐子里。
  • Check your own congruence or authenticity.When you are saying something you don’t truly mean, what are you feeling emotionally and physically? When you are not completely congruent, how does that affect your voice, your posture, your energy level, your neck pain, your ability to sit still, your clenching of muscles (such as your toes)? Once again, the exercise is not about being more congruent — it’s just noticing the subtle signals that go along with hiding (or trying to hide) some parts of your feelings.


If you find yourself avoiding looking at your patterns around reactivity, it may be because you’re also making judgments about what you observe (ie., telling yourself that something is wrong or right, that it should be one way not another, or even that this is an exception not the rule). Notice the judgments (don’t judge yourself for having them), and tell yourself, “Yes, that’s one possible judgement (and there are other reasonable conclusions too).”


Continued inPart Two: The Water is Stronger

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