

Three Key EQ Insights from the Latest Research


环顾四周,很容易看到“ EQ挑战”,但是这一刻也充满了机会。如美丽EQEU eBook,,,,this region has great diversity, increasingly complex challenges and an uncertain future — all of which demand we grow and use our emotional intelligence. How best to do so? We can use the State of the Heart data to confront those challenges, embrace change, and create a more sustainable future.

“I feel enriched, empowered and encouraged to be able to keep sharing and analyzing this data with my loved ones, friends, colleagues and community” – Abdullah Veliu, Albania

我在学习的学习中感到悲伤和痛苦,一个如此丰富的历史,艺术和文化都无法以相同的方式训练其情绪智力” - 意大利意大利Irilia Iseppato

How about you? What thoughts and feelings arise when you read the European region’s State of the Heart report?

Please share in the comments, below.

Brains, European Style: Do Something New, Now

除了世界各地情绪智力的总体趋势外,State of the Heart Report提供有关八种原型“大脑样式”的见解。这些是学到的方法,说明了情商如何用于获取数据,做出决策和燃料行动的方法。

The report shows the European region with several distinguishing characteristics:

The two Brain Styles which Europe has more than the rest of the world:
Energizer brains tend toward emotional data, innovative decisions, and practical action.
Deliverer brains prefer rational data, innovative decisions, and practical action.

Is there a theme emerging? Perhaps we want to find new options and do something NOW.

The styles which Europe has less than the global average are:
Strategist, who tend toward rational data, evaluative decisions and idealistic drive.
Sage, a style characterized by emotional data, evaluative decisions and idealistic drive.

Two out of three are opposite of the strengths in Europe.

The risk here is that ‘innovative’ decisions can ignore careful consideration… and ‘practical action’ can mean short term gain rather than long term plan.

So while the dominant brain style is very positive in terms of action, it could be we’re leaning toward “let’s do something new, now” without considering the risks and long-term value.

有证据表明,EQ技能是使人们与人保持良好的“核心”。正如世界经济论坛所发现的那样,这些人技能对我们的未来最重要。With the rise of AI and the 4th Industrial Revolution, growing EQ is an urgent need for us in Europe.These are the skills that will fuel innovation PLUS human connection (instead of people vs machines).


Maria Olsson




Compared to the global average, the European top talent is Proactivity — which makes sense given the Brain Styles described above. Risk Tolerance is about capacity to handle complexity, which is ideal for the rising stressors. Critical Thinking enables us to assess, adapt then apply insight to find a long term solution.



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