“我used to think the top environmental problems were biodiversity loss, ecosystem collapse and climate change….But I was wrong, the top environmental problems are selfishness, greed and apathy.”

- 古斯·斯佩斯(Gus Speth)

肯尼亚激进主义者和赢得诺贝尔和平奖的第一名环保主义者Wangari Maathai喜欢讲述一个坚定的蜂鸟的故事:

一场巨大的野火消耗了蜂鸟所居住的森林,随着大火的愤怒,所有动物都离开了森林,站着看着,变皮和不知所措。They all felt so overwhelmed that they did not do anything, but the hummingbird decided, ‘I am going to do something about the fire.’ So it flew to the nearest stream, got a drop of water in its beak, and dropped it on the fire. Then it went back again, and again, dropping water on the fire as fast as it could. The other animals mocked the hummingbird, saying, ‘What are you doing? You are too small, your wings are too small, and the fire is huge.’ The hummingbird turned to them and said, ‘am doing the best I can.’

像动物的森林一样,我们的世界被大火所消耗。当大多数人站在观看时,我们迫切需要一代蜂鸟“即使他们是唯一这样做的人,他们也愿意站起来,即使他们是唯一的事情”Wangari的女儿,Wangari Maathai基金会主席Wanjira Maathai说,他的任务是通过激发下一代勇敢的领导人来尊重她的遗产。

为了纪念这个目标和Wangari Maathai最喜欢的故事,该基金会最近启动了Hummingbird Leadership Project - 针对青少年和青少年的个人领导力和角色建设计划,旨在激发肯尼亚的新一代有原则的公民和活动家。该基金会与Jacaranda Designs and Educare合作设计了该计划。Wangari Maathai基金会与Premier培训服务和六秒钟合作,正在实施一种影响评估工具来衡量现金网赌钱网站Hummingbird Leadership Project的效果,从而召集了一个惊人的变革制造商团队,以为复杂问题创建多代解决方案。

肯尼亚, and in a sense all of Africa, may just be the perfect place for this type of innovative program. It represents both the stunning opportunity and intense challenge of changing humans’ relationship with the environment.

Wangari Maathai Foundation Inspiring a Generation of ‘Hummingbirds’ for Our Future

Growing Courageous Leadership in Kenya

肯尼亚的环境法实际上至少在纸上非常强大。根据其野生动植物保护和管理法,该国的无期徒刑和罚款最高为20万美元,以自2013年以来非法杀害濒危或威胁物种。他们最近通过了一项法律,该法律现在包括对环境犯罪的死刑。旅游和野生动植物部长Najib Balala says this is because existing deterrents against killing wild animals in the east African nation are insufficient. Wanjira, however, says the problem runs deeper than that.


阿加汗大学(Aga Khan University)的东非研究所最近进行的一项研究发现,有73%的肯尼亚人承认,他们害怕因担心报应而忍受自己的信念,而50%的腐败是一种合法的经商方式。令人震惊。”它也在宏观层面上显示。透明国际的最新腐败感知指数在176个国家中,肯尼亚评分为145。恐惧,贪婪和冷漠的这种结合导致了广泛的环境破坏和民主价值观的侵蚀。这个问题是,在肯尼亚有效的情况下,世界各地存在。


我slands of Integrity: Growing Hummingbird Leaders

Wangari Maathai教授于1977年创立了绿带运动,这是一个环境组织,赋予社区,尤其是妇女,以保护环境并改善生计。一个简单但有力的原则驱动了这一运动:有关公民不能坐在周围,希望政府或其他一些实体将仅解决环境危机或腐败的流行。变更开始。Change starts by developing the internal capacities of individuals, who then take action in their families and their communities. That means developing emotional intelligence skills like empathy, courage and resilience.


蜂鸟领导力计划旨在填补这一空白。该基金会以八个核心价值为基础,体现了旺加里·马阿瑟(Wangari Maathai)教授的生活和工作:勇气和自信,正直和诚实,对卓越的承诺,创造力和机智,韧性,感激,对他人的服务,负责任的管理

“我t’s a personal leadership and character building project, equipping young people with the tools and skills they need to meet the challenges of the future, to create opportunities for themselves, and to create what we’re calling islands of integrity,” Wanjira says. The ultimate goal is to create a nation, and a world, full of hummingbirds who are doing their part.



Mucha Mlingo了解对情感说话改变行为的价值。她成立了Premier Training Services这是一家内罗毕的人力资本发展公司,专门从事情感智力教授。Mucha在他们的孩子上学的学校遇到了Wanjira Maathai,他们与他们联系谈论情感智能的重要性

这个项目是如此必要,因为孩子们拥有的基础是关键!当我们提前开始时,我们更有可能改变人们的行为方式。”“如果这些情绪智力技巧可以在年轻时嵌入儿童中,那就是最好的起点。”正如斯瓦希里语的格言所说,‘萨马基·蒙杰·尤加利·姆比奇(Samaki Mkunje Yungali Mbichi,这意味着“鱼在仍然新鲜的时候弯曲。”

当他们讨论蜂鸟的领导力计划时,在最初的阶段,穆萨问了一个问题,对她来说,旺吉拉一直在想到她一段时间了:“您将如何衡量影响?How are you going to tell if your program is successful?” Wanjira responded that measuring the program’s impact had been one of the foundation’s concerns as they went through the early planning stages and conducted their risk assessment. When Mucha told her that PTS had just become a Preferred Partner of Six Seconds, a nonprofit that produces assessment and training tools to teach emotional intelligence to children and adults, Wanjira’s eyes lit up. With Six Seconds’ tools, the Hummingbird Leadership Program could measure children’s emotional intelligence before and after their high-impact training programs. They could measure exactly how much the project succeeds in moving the needle.




自Mucha和Premier Training Services她和Wanjira以前从未与孩子一起工作EQCafé探索与孩子的情绪智力的概念。“我们用自己的孩子用作豚鼠,”穆萨笑着告诉我。

The café, according to Wanjira, exceeded their wildest expectations: “The kids were amazed. They were motivated. They were inspired. They were engaged. Their personalities emerged in ways we had never anticipated. The kids wouldn’t stop talking about how exciting it had been, and the kids’ parents asked us when the next one would be. And so began this relationship between Mucha and I, and we begun to look at how we could continue to work together and build this program.”

Mucha与中东,非洲和印度的六秒秒区域总监杰恩·莫里森(Jayne Mo现金网赌钱网站rrison)寻求帮助以开发课程。杰恩(Jayne)很容易地同意:“大部分项目 - 蜂​​鸟计划的基础的8个值 - 在六秒钟内反映了我们的价值。现金网赌钱网站这是一个非常令人兴奋的合作。”


Wanjira hopes that this is only the beginning of a beautiful journey: “We made a very deliberate decision to anchor the program within the framework of the current Kenyan Curriculum” Wanjira says, “so that it’s a core part of the kids’ education and readily available to any school that wants to participate.”

要了解该程序的更大局面含义,与已故的Wangari Maathai本人的话相比,很难做得更好:







迈克尔·米勒(Michael Miller)的最新帖子((see all



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