Happy Valentine’s Day!



“I’m feeling really depressed right now.”



Illuminate: The Best Valentine’s Gift? A Big Box of EMPATHY

Empathy,,,,one of Six Secondseight competenciesfor growing emotional intelligence, is the gift of meeting a person exactly where they are. Instead of telling them they’re fine, talking about your own related stories, or shutting them down, you just在那里。并保持安静。并听。


告诉他我感到沮丧,我开始感到更加接受我的感受。我仍然感到沮丧和悲伤,但是在我的情绪上说单词 +通过大声说出来的情绪来释放这些单词。讽刺地,naming an emotion actually lessens its intensity,,,,which put me, instead of the depression, in the position of power.



This week, I invite you to do an experiment ofGIVING移情的礼物。


The experiment:

仅本周,请尝试fully listening when others talk,,,,especially当你很难的时候。这是本周实验的一些待办事项:

1。Let there be ‘awkward’ silence.




For right now,,,,close your eyes for a moment, and imagine a loved one telling you something difficult. Practice, in your mind, doing each of the to-do items above.




If simply imagining the experience is difficult for you,what could motivate you to try it in real life?What deeper goal does practicing empathy serve?

Do you generally给予更多同理心还是得到更多的同理心?How might your life look differently if you changed this ratio even 10% to the opposite side?

PS—您知道对我来说最困难的同理心是什么?SELF-EMPATHY。2月25日的虚拟完美主义者的研讨会,我们将讨论研究支持的工具(我亲自测试过!),以增加自我同情。我希望你能join us

See you next week!

Illuminate is a weekly e-mail series that provides practical tips + galvanizing inspirations for practicing an emotionally intelligent life. In our time together, we’ll operate from the assumption thatyou have all the wisdom you need inside of yourself + that you have a purpose the world needs to see.We will explore the tools + techniques to illuminate your own inner wisdom and purpose. If you’d like to receive this free gift of goodness in your inbox every week, subscribehere

Maria Jackson
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Emotional intelligence (EQ) = being smarter with feelings

EQ is a learnable, measurable skill that predicts improved effectiveness, relationships, quality of life & wellbeing (here's the research

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For many people, emotional intelligence is intangible -- so we created assessments that make it clear, actionable, and practical.


Introduction to the EQ tests Individual EQ Assessments
Find the right assessment with the Tool Finder 组织情报测试

Build capacity for transformation

Six Seconds started the world's first EQ Practitioner Certification and is widely known as the global leader in how to develop emotional intelligence. Public & in-house EQ certification.Dive into this transformational methodology with Unlocking EQ- then continue toward the 4 professional accreditations:

经过认证的EQ教练 Certified Social Emotional Learning Specialist
经过认证的EQ顾问 Certified EQ Facilitator


Six Seconds provides businesses with tools, methods & expertise to improve the people-side of performance with emotional intelligence. As shown in the case study library, EQ strengthens leadership, team effectiveness, customer service/sales, accelerating change, and building a high-performing culture.

Introduction to EQ in business Find an expert (coach, consultant, facilitator)
Case study library bet亚洲娱乐场 bet亚洲娱乐场
金沙国际真人娱乐 Six Seconds' Clients

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For effective, evidence-based development, Six Seconds publishes a system of emotional intelligence tests yielding practical, actionable insights.

Introduction to the EQ tests Individual EQ Assessments
Find the right assessment with the Tool Finder 组织情报测试

Build capacity for transformation

Six Seconds started the world's first EQ Practitioner Certification and is widely known as the global leader in how to develop emotional intelligence. Public & in-house EQ certification.

Explore the pathways:

经过认证的EQ顾问 Certified EQ Facilitator
经过认证的EQ教练 Certified Social Emotional Learning Specialist


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Introduction to EQ in education 弹出节与联合国儿童基金会合作
什么是社交情感学习? Find an expert (coach, consultant, facilitator)
高等教育中的EQ / SEL bet亚洲娱乐场 bet亚洲娱乐场
金沙国际真人娱乐 Pioneers in SEL

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For effective, evidence-based development, Six Seconds publishes a system of emotional intelligence tests yielding practical, actionable insights.

Introduction to the EQ tests Individual EQ Assessments
Find the right assessment with the Tool Finder 教育Vital Signs

Build capacity for transformation

Six Seconds started the world's first EQ Practitioner Certification and is widely known as the global leader in how to develop emotional intelligence. Public & in-house EQ certification.start with the EQ Educator Certification- then continue toward the 4 professional accreditations:

经过认证的EQ教练 Certified Social Emotional Learning Specialist
经过认证的EQ顾问 Certified EQ Facilitator

Questions about growing emotional intelligence? Let's talk!

Six Seconds' vision is a billion people practicing emotional intelligence,,,,because we think it will make the world a better place. We are a nonprofit org supporting changemakers in every sector, in every country, with transformational EQ tools and methods.

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