


2020 SEL高等教育会议第2天


大学越来越意识到迫切需要解构种族主义,性别歧视和其他系统性不平等 - 如何?虽然系统中的许多更改都在系统中,但“公平的内部工作”将使这些机构中的人们能够进行系统工作所需的对话?支持这一点的社会和情感技能是什么?哪些文化反应敏感的方法可以以一种有效的方式提高这些技能?In this livestream panel we talk with international experts from the higher education field addressing systemic inequalities. How can we harness the power of Social Emotional Learning and Emotional Intelligence to find solution?

高等教育中的SEL&Equity(panel 2)

What skills will support the dialogue, awareness & empathy needed to build communities of equity?

大学越来越意识到迫切需要解构种族主义,性别歧视和其他系统性不平等 - 如何?虽然系统中的许多更改都在系统中,但“公平的内部工作”将使这些机构中的人们能够进行系统工作所需的对话?支持这一点的社会和情感技能是什么?哪些文化反应敏感的方法可以以一种有效的方式提高这些技能?

Key questions

  • 请自我介绍,并给我们一个隐喻,以描述您对公平中的SEL的看法。
  • What is equity?
  • 由于教育机构非常专注于学习,为什么在那里不存在公平?
  • 就像在整个社会中一样,种族主义,年龄歧视,一切主义都根深蒂固的机构的制度和结构都根深蒂固 - 那么,个人是否从事内部工作才能成为反种族主义者真的很重要吗?
  • What is one social-emotional skill that you’d like to see every student, faculty & staff member develop in order to work more effectively on antiracism?
  • 与公平有关的校园中,社交情感学习干预的机会和局限性是什么?
  • What factors or values have maintained and reinforced oppression and inequality in tertiary education and in what way do they intersect with SEL competencies?
  • 您想在高等教育中看到的变革者的“秘密成分”是什么?


苏珊·查尔斯,ed。D. Director, Admin Credential Program, Notre Dame de Namur University Dr. Charles is a member of the Board of Directors at Six Seconds, leads the MA program for aspiring school leaders at NDNU, and served as an educator and educational leader for three decades. In 2009, Susan retired from K-12 after 12 years as principal of Ohlone School in Palo Alto, CA. She went on to train future principals at the School of Education and Counseling Psychology at Santa Clara University. Born in Antigua in the West Indies, Charles was educated at Santa Clara University and the University of California, Berkeley.

Solafa BatterjeeM.A. CEO,DOROOB,非营利性的同理心催化剂 - EQ,学习与教育方面的变革推动者,以实现更好的世界与未来。Solafa是Doroob Endowment Company的首席执行官,在沙特,苏丹和肯尼亚激活教育 - 以及BAC/董事会Injaz咨询委员会的一部分 - 索迪阿拉伯 - 阿拉伯语بإstimantiaArabia Arabia Arabia她是MISK基金会2030年代的教育大使,他在纽约市时代广场上展示了沙特妇女。她曾在许多国际会议上参与妇女在人道主义和教育中的领导作用,并且是TED演讲者。她是一位活跃的大使,经过认证的主持人,评估师和教练,领导着六秒钟情绪智能网络的沙特阿拉伯合作伙伴关系。现金网赌钱网站她赢得了Sayidaty奖,卓越和创造力的获奖者。

Kelisa Wing,ed。S.作家成为全球能干的老师Kelisa翼已经从事教育已有14年了。她的教学职业之旅始于她从美国军队出院。她曾在俄亥俄州托莱多的联合之路下担任自我表达的青少年剧院(定居)的青年顾问。在与家人一起移居德国之后,她开始替代教学,然后过渡到特殊教育专员,是一名学校秘书,最终是行政官。然后,她在佐治亚州本宁堡的Faith中学教授八年级的语言艺术,并向与军事相关的学生阅读,一直是纽约西点的小学助理校长,现在是弗吉尼亚州的专业发展专家。凯利萨(Kelisa)在美国陆军荣誉任职六年,并获得了军官军士。

Maria Angelica Malpica Olvera首席执行官Grupo Cudec是Alfonso Malpica Cardenas博士和Angelica Olvera Garcia博士的第一个女儿。她有一个弟弟Alfonso Malpica Olvera。当归有两个很棒的孩子费尔南多和当归。她于1979年3月3日出生于墨西哥的墨西哥tlalnepantla庄园。Grupo Cudec为从学龄前到博士学位的7000多名学生提供服务。她拥有科学教育学士学位,并拥有La Salle大学的教学策略专家。她拥有多元文化CUDEC大学的系统教学法硕士学位,目前正在全身教学法中学习博士学位。

克劳迪娅·威德曼(Claudia Wiedeman), Ph.D. Director of Education, USC Shoah Foundation The USC Shoah Foundation harnesses the power of its archive of personal testimonies from witnesses to genocide to develop empathy, understanding and respect through testimony. Claudia Ramirez Wiedeman oversees the strategic direction of the Institute’s global education program. Working with a mighty team of subject matter experts, digital gurus and program managers, Claudia ensures that testimony-based educational resources and digital tools are made accessible widely via the Institute’s flagship educational website, IWitness and other platforms. Through a network of global dynamic partnerships, a spirit of innovation and evidence-based methodologies and practices, Claudia and team continues to bring about positive change in almost every corner of the world. Claudia received her Ph.D. from the University of California, Los Angeles in Education and Applied Linguistics and previously held a tenured position at a liberal arts university before arriving at the Institute.

主持人:约书亚·弗里德曼(Joshua Freedman), cofounder and CEO, The Six Seconds Emotional Intelligence Network, working since 1997 toward a world with more EQ. Josh is a Master Certified Coach and author of the best-selling At the Heart of Leadership

