
Six Seconds is guided by an accomplished group of advisors and advocates

杰恩·莫里森(Jayne Morrison)

杰恩·莫里森(Jayne Morrison)


Jayne is Regional Director of Six Seconds Middle East, Africa & India, as well as Founder and Executive Partner of Dynamic Learning. With a decade of experience in EQ, her pa...阅读更多

杰恩·莫里森(Jayne Morrison)

杰恩·莫里森(Jayne Morrison)


Jayne is Regional Director of Six Seconds Middle East, Africa & India, as well as Founder and Executive Partner of Dynamic Learning. With a decade of experience in EQ, her passion is maximising the potential of people by supporting them to unlock their value and increase performance both personally and professionally.

杰恩(Jayne)来自酒店业,带来了25年的运营领导力经验以及广泛的咨询,教练以及强大,可扩展的学习和发展计划的设计和交付。除非洲,印度,英国,欧洲,中国,俄罗斯和美国,她在整个中东地区的学习,组织变革,服务和建立世界一流的团队方面都有广泛的经验。她令人印象深刻的客户清单包括卡塔尔航空,朱美拉,罗塔纳,洲际酒店集团,阿尔玛赖,肯皮斯基,艾里德·皮克福德,艾里德·皮克福德,假日酒店,帕森斯·布林克霍夫,德莱托克世界,阿雷姆克斯,阿雷姆克斯,里奇玛特,诺华,诺华,tecom,tecom和amirates nbd。

She holds a Post-Graduate Degree in Human Resource Management and a Post-Graduate Diploma in Learning and Development. Jayne is amongst a handful of Six Seconds’ Advanced Practitioners in Emotional Intelligence in the world, a certified EQ Coach and a Master Trainer of the Six Seconds’ Certification Programs. She is credentialed to deliver Six Seconds’ tools including the Six Seconds’ Emotional Intelligence Assessment to help individuals develop core competence, and the Vital Signs range of tools to focus leaders and organisations on key issues for change. She is author of the “At the Heart of Service” programs, co-author of “At the Heart of Team Performance”, the “Fundaments of Management Workshops”, “the Brain Profiler Workshop”, and the EQ Advanced Trainer certification program. She is currently engaged in research into EQ and service in the hospitality industry.

Jayne’s infectious enthusiasm and strong commitment combine to create a rich learning environment that enable clients to increase personal, team and organisational performance.

To see Jayne check out thisvideo

娜塔莉·罗伊特曼(Natalie Roitman)

娜塔莉·罗伊特曼(Natalie Roitman)


Natalie is an experienced trainer and consultant with over 18 years experience in training, learning and organizational development.
娜塔莉(Natalie)的专业是社会学 - 人类学家...阅读更多

娜塔莉·罗伊特曼(Natalie Roitman)

娜塔莉·罗伊特曼(Natalie Roitman)


Natalie is an experienced trainer and consultant with over 18 years experience in training, learning and organizational development.

Natalie’s majors are Sociology-Anthropology and Chinese Studies. She speaks 5 languages and has been living and working in China for the last 9 years. She works and trains in English, Chinese and Hebrew.


In the last 15 years Natalie has been working in the education and corporate sectors in China in organizational development and to promote effective EQ development programs.

Natalie also has broad experience in cross cultural training, train the trainer courses, group facilitation and team building, organizational development consulting and leadership assessment and development.

She has experience managing complex teams and projects in large organizations.

她与之合作的客户包括:IBM,GE,Perfect World,Nokia,NSN,联想,Tiandi Energy,Tiandi Energy,Bayer Healthcare,Novonordisk,Novonordisk,Western of Beijing。


  • 社会学学士学位 - 人类学和中国研究,兼耶路撒冷希伯来大学

  • 文化情报(CQ)认证顾问

  • Certified Coach, Emotional Intelligence (6 Seconds, EQ)

  • Certified Trainer and Train the trainer (6 Seconds, EQ)

  • 经过认证的EQ教育者(6秒)

  • 认证顾问和大师培训师,工作态度和动机清单(IWAM)

  • Speaker at Nexus EQ Global Conference 2013

约书亚·弗里德曼(Joshua Freedman)

约书亚·弗里德曼(Joshua Freedman)


Six Seconds’ Chief Executive Officer, Master Certified Coach

约书亚·弗里德曼(Joshua Freedman)

约书亚·弗里德曼(Joshua Freedman)


Six Seconds’ Chief Executive Officer, Master Certified Coach

约书亚(Joshua)是世界上发展情绪智力以提高性能的杰出专家之一。He leads the world’s largest network of emotional intelligence practitioners, researchers, and experts, creating positive change in over 175 nations. He is one of a handful of experts in the world with over 20 years of full-time experience in this emerging field.

弗里德曼(Freedman)是畅销书的作者At the Heart of Leadership, 也生命组织, 和INSIDE CHANGE: Transforming Your Organization with Emotional Intelligence,,,,全心全意的育儿,加上数十种案件和文章情商的业务案例,,,,工作场所活力报告, 和The State of the HeartPlease see the archive of his publications on 6seconds.org。他还是六项经过验证的心理测量评估的合着者EQ领导报告the Organizational Vital Signs气候措施,构成许多人的基础案例研究在这里发表。Learn more about thesepowerful tools to measure what matters

Anabel Jensen, PhD

Anabel Jensen, PhD



Anabel Jensen, PhD

Anabel Jensen, PhD



Anabel was the principal of Nueva School when Daniel Goleman came and wrote about the model emotional intelligence program there; under her guidance the school also won two Federal Blue Ribbon Awards for Excellence in Education. She’s started two schools, together with Karen McCown, founded the remarkable lab school educating future change makers: Synapse.


阿纳贝尔(Anabel)是SEI-YV的主要作者,对儿童进行了六秒钟的情商评估。现金网赌钱网站她是自我科学,情商课程的合着者,以及许多文章,书籍,包括信任或怀疑:共同创建蓬勃发展的教学团队的基本策略, 这认为感觉到ACT卡, 和老师每天的乐观情绪:您的EQ处方繁荣,还有许多文章,提供了使用情感智力的实用灵感 -please see this archive of Anabel’s blog on 6seconds.org

In addition to her leadership at Six Seconds, she is Emeritus Professor of Education at Notre Dame de Namur University. Her background includes the teaching and supervising of instruction from preschool to the university level. Anabel received her Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley. Her interests include a passion for reading, the building and consuming of gourmet desserts, the construction of various hand-crafted projects, and surfing the net for new ideas. She is very active in a variety of church and community service projects. She has one son, Caleb.

Susan Charles

Susan Charles


Dr. Charles is a member of the Board of Directors at Six Seconds, leads the MA program for aspiring school leaders at Notre Dame de Namur University, and served as an educator and ...阅读更多

Susan Charles

Susan Charles


查尔斯博士在六秒钟内担任董事会成员,在巴黎圣母院(Notre Dame de Namur Universi现金网赌钱网站ty)担任有抱负的学校领导人MA计划,并担任教育家和教育领袖已有三十年了。2009年,苏珊(Susan)在加利福尼亚州帕洛阿尔托(Palo Alto)担任Ohlone学校的校长12年后从K-12退休,在那里她领导了一个强大的社交情感学习实施,以创造出高表现的学校文化。她继续培训圣塔克拉拉大学教育与咨询心理学学院未来的校长。查尔斯(Charles)出生于西印度群岛的安提瓜,在圣克拉拉大学和加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校接受教育。

艾曼·萨瓦夫(Ayman Sawaf)

艾曼·萨瓦夫(Ayman Sawaf)


艾曼·萨瓦夫(Ayman Sawaf)在过去的三十年中,为全新的系统和行业建立了进化基金会,这些基金会将通过提供新的地图来改变人类的潜力...阅读更多

艾曼·萨瓦夫(Ayman Sawaf)

艾曼·萨瓦夫(Ayman Sawaf)


艾曼·萨瓦夫(Ayman Sawaf)在过去的三十年中,为全新的系统和行业建立了进化基础,这些基金会将通过提供新的地图来发展我们与自己,情感和工作场所的关系,从而改变人类潜力。

His latest book Sacred Commerce: A Blueprint for a New Humanity, which he co-authored with his wife Rowan Gabrielle, puts focus on evolving the business world one person at a time.

艾曼·萨瓦夫(Ayman Sawaf)是一位国际有远见的企业家,出版的音乐家和畅销书作家,是该学科的原始创作者之一,现在被称为情感素养,并且是情商的早期先驱。他与罗伯特·库珀(Robert Cooper)博士合着的《领导力和组织中的情商:领导力和组织的情商》是在商业世界中引入情商的一本书。aymansawaf.com

Deborah Lustig

Deborah Lustig

Advisory Board

Deborah Lustig是加州大学伯克利分校的社会问题研究所副主任。She is a cultural anthropologist whose researc...阅读更多

Deborah Lustig

Deborah Lustig

Advisory Board

Deborah Lustig是加州大学伯克利分校的社会问题研究所副主任。她是一位文化人类学家,其研究专注于美国和肯尼亚的性别和教育,在那里她是2004 - 5年度的富布赖特高级学者。

Dr. Lustig received her Ph.D. in anthropology from the University of Michigan. Her articles about teenage mothers have been published in the journals人类学和教育季刊童年在新书中童年,,,,Youth, and Social Work in Transformation: Implications for Policy and Practice(Columbia University Press, 2009).

Selected articles:Baby Pictures – Family, consumerism and exchange among teen mothers in the USA|Of Kwanzaa, Cinco de Mayo, and Whispering – The Need for Intercultural Education

More:Dr. Lustig’s website

Peter Salovey

Peter Salovey

Advisory Board

彼得·萨洛维(Peter Salovey)和他的同事杰克·梅耶(Jack Mayer)定义并测试了情商的概念。他们在1990年代初在该领域写了开创性的论文,该论文推出了...阅读更多

Peter Salovey

Peter Salovey

Advisory Board

彼得·萨洛维(Peter Salovey)和他的同事杰克·梅耶(Jack Mayer)定义并测试了情商的概念。他们在1990年代初在该领域撰写了开创性的论文,该论文推出了国际科学EQ运动。

Salovey博士现在是耶鲁大学的校长,以及Chris Argyris心理学教授,耶鲁大学心理学前主席。

他撰写或编辑了八本书,并撰写了200多家科学出版物 - 包括情感上的智慧,情感上的经理,情绪发展和情商。Professor Salovey is a founding editor of the Review of General Psychology and an associate editor of the new APA journal,情感。His course in Psychology and Law was the most popular course in Yale University history. He is a Justice of the Peace and a licensed psychologist in the State of Connecticut. In his leisure time, he plays stand-up bass with the Professors of Bluegrass.

More:彼得·萨洛维(Peter Salovey)在耶鲁大学的简历

Karen Stone McCown

Karen Stone McCown


Karen began her involvement with emotional intelligence when she founded the Nueva School (Hillsborough, California) in 1967. In planning the school she met with educators, politic...阅读更多

Karen Stone McCown

Karen Stone McCown




Fred Sroka

Fred Sroka


弗雷德·斯罗卡(Fred Sroka),JD,CPA(已退休),最近退休,担任金门大学会计与税收学院院长。He received his JD from UCLA, practiced as a tax l...阅读更多

Fred Sroka

Fred Sroka


弗雷德·斯罗卡(Fred Sroka),JD,CPA(已退休),最近退休,担任金门大学会计与税收学院院长。他从加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)获得了JD,担任税务律师18年,担任税务会计师18年,并担任管理顾问几年。他从1983 - 2019年担任GGU兼职税务学院的成员,也是税务咨询委员会的成员。


宝琳娜·奥尔森(Paulina Olsson)

宝琳娜·奥尔森(Paulina Olsson)

Advisory Board

作为Peppy Pals的联合创始人兼首席执行官,她致力于改变儿童的教育系统,以确保EQ和IQ齐头并进。Peppy Pals,由Rosie L ...创立阅读更多

宝琳娜·奥尔森(Paulina Olsson)

宝琳娜·奥尔森(Paulina Olsson)

Advisory Board

作为Peppy Pals的联合创始人兼首席执行官,她致力于改变儿童的教育系统,以确保EQ和IQ齐头并进。胡椒粉,,,,founded by Rosie Linder in 2013, is a pioneer within the field of digital, play-based social and emotional learning (SEL/EQ) for children.

They are the first company in the world that has gamified EQ for children without using text or language, and has since start developed a series of educational, award winning apps, books, movies and activities that nurture children’s ages 2-8 Social & Emotional Intelligence using story-telling and humor. The Swedish company is, since September 2018, supported by LEGO Brand Group.




乔治·E·麦考恩(George E.阅读更多




乔治·E·麦考恩(George E.他早年在博伊西级联公司(Boise Cascade Corporation)度过,最终担任高级副总裁,建筑材料集团兼总裁,博伊西·卡斯卡德(Boise Cascade Home and Land Corp)。

His current business affiliations include chairman of the board, Oxford Resource Partners, LP (NYSE: OXF), Tunnel Hill Partners, LLC, Gold Run Aviation LLC and Sequoia Corp. and a director of United Bridge Partners, LLC. Previously he has been a chairman, vice chairman, and/or a director of over 40 private and public companies.


He is a former trustee of Stanford University; overseer of the Hoover Institution; director of the Packard Children’s Hospital and president of the Stanford Alumni Association. He currently is a member of Stanford Associates, the World Presidents Organization (presiding member of WPO/NCC Investors LLC), the Chief Executives Organization, Explorers Club and the Bohemian Club.

他获得了斯坦福大学的机械工程学士学位,并获得了哈佛大学的MBA学位,在那里他担任美国研究与发展公司创始人Georges F. Doriot教授,在美国空军的队长担任船长之后,战略空气司令部。

他与Nueva的创始人Karen Stone McCown结婚,六秒钟和突触学校。现金网赌钱网站他们有8个孩子,13个孙子,居住在加利福尼亚州波尔托拉谷。



Advisory Board

硕士Mark Harrison,M.B.A,是专注于消费者互联网的业务战略和产品创新专家。在从华盛顿大学获得经济学硕士学位后,我...阅读更多



Advisory Board

硕士Mark Harrison,M.B.A,是专注于消费者互联网的业务战略和产品创新专家。在圣路易斯华盛顿大学获得经济学硕士学位后,然后在哈佛大学获得了MBA,马克在波士顿咨询集团和BCG Digital Ventures的一系列战略,付款和创新项目中任职。他继续为贝宝(PayPal)和美国eBay的移动业务开展公司战略和新企业。

Mark became interested in human behavior as a student of Sociology, Literature, pre-med/Psych and Economics. His interest in emotional intelligence was spurred by joining Six Seconds “Practitioner Certification” in 2003 (taught by Josh!) which had a profound impact on his worldview – both internally and externally. He now is working to learn more by practicing & spreading EQ in various coaching roles — from supporting kids & community in little league & soccer, to advising execs and serving on boards for innovative companies.
Candace Pert

Candace Pert


Dr. Candace Pert was an internationally recognized pharmacologist who has published over 250 scientific articles on peptides and their receptors and the role of these neuropeptides...阅读更多

Candace Pert

Candace Pert


Candace Pert博士是一名国际公认的药物学家,他发表了250多种有关肽及其受体的科学文章以及这些神经肽在免疫系统中的作用。Candace Pert博士获得博士学位约翰·霍普金斯大学医学院的药理学博士学位,曾担任美国国家心理健康研究所临床神经科学分公司(NIMH)的脑生物化学科负责人,在乔治敦大学学校的生理学和生物物理学系担任研究教授华盛顿特区的医学,然后担任Rapid Pharmaceuticals,Inc。的科学总监

In the mid-1980’s, while researching the function of classical immune cell receptors, such as CD4, in brain, Dr. Pert, with her collaborator Dr. Michael Ruff, developed the first of a new class of treatments for HIV/AIDS, the viral entry inhibitor Peptide T. This non-toxic experimental therapeutic blocks the virus from binding to its cellular chemokine receptor CCR5 and infecting the cell. Recent human studies show that Peptide T substantially reduces HIV in the blood and the treatment resistant, persistently infected cellular reservoirs which do not respond to current therapies.



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