“情绪智力是融合思维和感觉以做出最佳决定的能力 - 这是与自己和他人建立成功的关键。”〜Joshua Freedman


重要性:By learning to transform emotions as a strategic resource, we can become more aware, balanced and purposeful. Instead of thinking of emotions as something bad that we have to suppress, we can begin to treat all of our emotions, even challenging ones like anger, as invaluable data helping us to be our best selves. We can turn something often seen as an adversary and make it into an ally.


Navigating emotions helpsyou take ownership of your life. By fulling integrating your thinking and feeling, you are able to make optimal decisions – which is key to having a successful relationship with yourself and others.



Harness:Recognize that there are not good or bad emotions: emotions are data. Taking the step back from “I am frustrated…” to “I am feeling frustrated…” helps provide space and lessens the power of the emotion. Recognize that the emotion is temporary and providing you valuable information about yourself and the world.




当您不与同事点击 (11/8/2021) 迈克尔·米勒(Michael Miller) - 你能做什么?情绪智能技巧,即使具有挑战性,也可以更好地建造桥梁和协作。。。。
消除:命名情绪的力量 (1/8/2021) 迈克尔·米勒(Michael Miller) - 交通总是压力很大,对吗?事实证明,有一个秘密的神经科学技巧,介绍了可以帮助您的情绪。简单而强大。。。。
What Are Biodots and How Do You Use Them? (12/3/2020) 迈克尔·米勒(Michael Miller) - 生物植物是一种低成本,简便的方法,可以帮助您的客户变得更加自我意识 - 这是如何使用它们的方法。。。。
Celebrating Feelings: Emotions for Thriving (5/26/2020) by Six Seconds - 在两次鼓舞人心的,互动,真实的对话中,我们将获得心理健康的基本基础:谈论感觉。。。。
How to Fire Someone with Emotional Intelligence (2019年11月19日) 迈克尔·米勒(Michael Miller) - 解雇某人在情感上具有挑战性。这很容易成为领导力最难的方面之一。这是实用的情商技巧,可以以同情心,清晰度和镇定为单位。。。。
耶鲁大学的马克·布拉克特(Marc Brackett)分享个人治疗故事 (2019年11月5日) 迈克尔·米勒(Michael Miller) - Marc Brackett says the process started by liberating himself from judging his own emotions, giving himself permission to feel.。。。
照明:感觉卡住了尝试这种三步技术 (2019年10月7日) by Maria Jackson - This week, we’ll dive in + explore a practical technique for navigating feelings that just seem to linger.。。。
Emo-Shines: What Can Visible Emotions Can Teach Us (2019年8月20日) by Anabel Jensen - 如果我们的情绪的每一个微妙的转折对我们都立即显而易见怎么办?而且 - 只是为了娱乐 - 我思考:如果其他所有人也可以看到情绪,那会发生什么?。。。
“What’s Important Here?” Anxiety’s Valuable Message (2019年5月7日) 迈克尔·米勒(Michael Miller) - 在某些情况下,将焦虑症重塑为兴奋起来。但是在其他情况下,您的焦虑告诉您一些有价值的东西,最好只是倾听。。。。
Illuminate: Navigating Anger toward Wisdom (2019年4月13日) by Maria Jackson - Dive into a beautiful (and true!) story about the power of navigating emotions-- and learn how you can transform anger/sadness/grief/confusion into wisdom about yourself and your life's path.。。。

Click here for more Navigate Emotions articles on our site


eMotion Cards:The Emotion Cards are an engaging, easy to use, interactive activity. The cards encourage you to唤起,探索,表达和扩展感情世界。
Wild Ride to the Heart:一款有趣,引人入胜的游戏,可帮助孩子们了解他们的不同情绪(感觉)以及如何通过心脏来更好地管理他们。
Mixed Emotions:A tool that helps you make decisions, solve problems, resolve conflicts, and more.
Biodots:Biodots会根据人的压力水平改变颜色 - 生动地展示了身心连接!
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