发展您的情商课程: 现场直播


EQ的公正和繁荣世界 - 周二的现场直播



工作的未来(#30) (10/14/2020) - Companies are beginning to realize: We’re not “going back to normal” anytime soon… and employees are seeing that work from home has some benefits, but many costs. As leaders plan to develop the workforce for the future... what should employees be doing to be ready for the future?...
为什么SEL在大流行中更重要,以及如何 (10/9/2020) - 教育is stressed. Teachers, administrators, kids, parents are struggling – so why should we focus on social emotional learning (SEL) at a time like this? And for remote or hybrid teaching, is it even possible?...
联合国儿童基金会世界儿童节的均等(#28) (10/8/2020) - 现在是与联合国儿童基金会世界儿童节合作举办弹出节的时候了!虽然我们需要适应2020年的挑战,但这是该项目的时刻:全球儿童正在挣扎着孤独和不确定性。我们可以提供帮助。...
Daily Practices for Increasing EQ (#27) (9/8/2020) - You know emotional intelligence is useful… but HOW do you actually use it on a daily basis?...
过渡中的育儿(#26) (9/1/2020) - We’re in this highly volatile, lonely, stressful context… for many families school is starting and jobs are changing: How do we parent now?...
种族主义和重新人性的情绪(#25) (8/27/2020) - 在种族偏见之后,BIPOC尤其经历的情绪的复杂性和充实的重要性是什么?...
改变教练(#24) (8/18/2020) - 理想情况下,教练是一个变革过程,建立了内部能力,以创造世界变革。教练不仅仅是“对话”,而不是“指导”和“培训”,因为它是增长的伙伴关系。在这个愿景中,教练表现出一种新的“权力”形式,这不能帮助我们建立一个更好的世界吗?...
向我们询问有关情绪的任何信息(#23) (8/11/2020) - What do emotions mean and how can we use them better? Check out this playful and provocative livestream asking anything about feelings!...
教练情绪(#22) (8/5/2020) - 加入Jenny Rogers(教练技能的作者),Ann Rindone(ICF的副总裁),Natalie Roitman(EQ Gym的合着者)和Josh Freedman(《领导力之心》的作者),深入了解教练的心脏。...
公平,福祉和情商(#21) (7/28/2020) - What's the connection between wellbeing and racism? Can the skills and practices of emotional intelligence support us to build ourselves, our communities, and our world toward wellbeing for everyone?...
Social Emotional Learning & Equity in Education (7/21/2020) - Is education the path to a just and equitable society, or part of systematized racism - or both? If all change starts within, then how can we grow the emotional intelligence skills needed to shift the systems and build communities of equity?...
SEL教师教育(#19) (7/17/2020) - 为什么教育者需要社交情感学习?SEL在高等教育中对学生至关重要,但是我们怎么能教我们不知道的知识?为了在教育的“人民方面”有效,有抱负的教育者必须发展哪些基本技能?...
高等教育中的SEL&Equity(#18) (7/15/2020) - 对于大学和高等教育的公平,需要哪些社交情感学习技能?什么将支持建立公平社区所需的对话,意识和同理心?...
高等教育中的社交情感学习(#17) (7/14/2020) - Why is social emotional learning taking center stage at colleges and universities around the globe? How can SEL play a role in building communities of equity? How are teacher colleges bringing SEL into their programs?...
高表现领导者的技能?(#16) (7/7/2020) - 对EQ感兴趣的人知道,情绪智力对于领导力至关重要 - 但是,他们如何确切地联系起来?我们将首次推出新的研究,展示了特定的EQ技能和领导能力如何联系在一起...揭示了在当前时代起作用的强大领导能力的途径。...
经理的真理时刻:改变时间?(#15) (6/30/2020) - 我们正在发生变化 - 经理们准备好了吗?加入联邦快递国际学习与发展董事总经理杰夫·金斯利(Jeff Kinsley);Ayers -Stewart公主 - REI的多样性,公平和包容性董事;六秒钟的首席执行官约书亚·弗里德曼(Joshua Freedman现金网赌钱网站)在有力的对话中重新考虑了当今经理的角色。...
混合情绪 - 育儿年轻人(#14) (6/22/2020) - 2020 is a time of upheaval as we grapple with CV19, racism, climate instability, polarization, increasing issues with mental health... and as parents of young adults, many of us feel like we've failed to leave them a better world. So what do we do?...
改变心理健康:公正和蓬勃发展的未来 (6/17/2020) - What are the social and emotional resources we ALL need to courageously step into difficult conversations about race, identity, and the world we want to co-create? What would it mean to have a truly mentally HEALTHY world?...
艺术X情感X反种族主义(#12) (6/9/2020) - 在庇护所的几个月以及围绕种族不公的当前气候,许多人转向艺术来寻求慰藉和灵感。林·曼努埃尔·米兰达(Lin-Manuel Miranda)说:“有时候,依靠艺术要比依靠人更容易。”从图形到进行起义,再到逃脱Netflix,再到重新发现Rumi的诗,再到跳舞和说话,教我们生活在自由和正义上可能意味着什么。...
对话:情感与种族主义(#11.5) (6/3/2020) - The dialogue touched on difficult topics and big feelings -- and our shared commitment to learn to have this kind of conversation... and the power of emotional intelligence as a toolset to build a more aware, intentional, and connected response....
为老师和孩子教育反种族主义(#11) (6/2/2020) - 在大流行和反种族主义起义之间,教育面临着深刻的挑战。教育者,孩子,父母正在受苦。情绪智力可以帮助吗?如何?我们加入了一些世界上一些有关这些主题的顶级专家,以诚实而令人振奋的观察2020年的情感教育世界...
庆祝感受:蓬勃发展的情绪 (5/26/2020) - In two inspiring, interactive, authentic conversations, we’ll get to the essential basic for mental wellbeing: Talking about feelings....
应用教练工具来改善工作和生活 (5/19/2020) - 关于教练的工具和方法如何帮助我们所有人的有力对话...
“Back to Normal” or Forward to Something New? (#8) (5/12/2020) - What if "normal" was the problem? Rather than reacting to the current difficulties and trying to "go back," how can we engage emotional intelligence to envision the future we actually want? What are the essential skills for shifting out of re-acting and into re-imagining -- from retreat to advance?...


Emotional intelligence (EQ) = being smarter with feelings

EQ is a learnable, measurable skill that predicts improved effectiveness, relationships, quality of life & wellbeing (这是研究

99现金网注册 99现金网注册 免费进行EQ测试
如何发展您的EQ技能 加入六秒钟社区现金网赌钱网站
订阅免费更新 潜入解锁等式
发现即将举行的EQ事件 bet亚洲娱乐场 bet亚洲娱乐场

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For many people, emotional intelligence is intangible -- so we created assessments that make it clear, actionable, and practical.


EQ测试简介 Individual EQ Assessments
使用工具查找器找到正确的评估 组织情报测试


现金网赌钱网站六秒钟开始了世界上第一个EQ实践者认证,并在如何发展情绪智力方面被广泛称为全球领导者。公共和内部EQ认证。通过解锁等式潜入这种转化方法- 然后继续获得4种专业认证:

经过认证的EQ教练 Certified Social Emotional Learning Specialist
经过认证的EQ顾问 经过认证的EQ促进器


Six Seconds provides businesses with tools, methods & expertise to improve the people-side of performance with emotional intelligence. As shown in the case study library, EQ strengthens leadership, team effectiveness, customer service/sales, accelerating change, and building a high-performing culture.

业务等式简介 Find an expert (coach, consultant, facilitator)
Case study library bet亚洲娱乐场 bet亚洲娱乐场
金沙国际真人娱乐 现金网赌钱网站六秒的客户

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EQ测试简介 Individual EQ Assessments
使用工具查找器找到正确的评估 组织情报测试




经过认证的EQ顾问 经过认证的EQ促进器
经过认证的EQ教练 Certified Social Emotional Learning Specialist


现金网赌钱网站六秒钟是为所有利益相关者提供工具,方法和专业知识的综合来源 - 在整个年龄范围内,全球各地的教育。

教育方程简介 弹出节与联合国儿童基金会合作
什么是社交情感学习? Find an expert (coach, consultant, facilitator)
高等教育中的EQ / SEL bet亚洲娱乐场 bet亚洲娱乐场
金沙国际真人娱乐 Pioneers in SEL

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EQ测试简介 Individual EQ Assessments
使用工具查找器找到正确的评估 教育生命体征


现金网赌钱网站六秒钟开始了世界上第一个EQ实践者认证,并在如何发展情绪智力方面被广泛称为全球领导者。公共和内部EQ认证。start with the EQ Educator Certification- 然后继续获得4种专业认证:

经过认证的EQ教练 Certified Social Emotional Learning Specialist
经过认证的EQ顾问 经过认证的EQ促进器

问题s about growing emotional intelligence? Let's talk!

现金网赌钱网站六秒钟的愿景是十亿人实践情商,因为我们认为这将使世界变得更美好。我们是一个非营利组织,在每个国家,每个国家 /地区都有转型EQ工具和方法的支持者。


