

There’s still time to register for my upcoming Workshop for Perfectionists if you’d like to dive in further;you can check it out here。我们走了!

这已经意识到完美主义对我的影响有多深,我知道我必须对此做些事情。去年秋天的一个周末,我想到了我能找到的关于完美主义的每篇研究文章,问题成为了:What helps perfectionists live a better life?Several research studies tested hypotheses to answer this question, and one hypothesis proved true over and over again. What helps perfectionists live a better life?
Self-compassion. Yep, it turns out loving yourself really is the secret sauce. Check this out:

Inone study, researchers measured two things about similarly-affected perfectionists: their degree of depression and their degree of self-compassion. Here’s the outcome:

这三个人有same level of perfectionism, but the highly self-compassionate one is the least likely to be depressed.

What does this study mean for us? To see positive mental health results, we perfectionists don’t need to change our entire perfectionist belief system.We just need to wrap that belief system in acceptance.

Shall we?

Thanks to克里斯汀·内夫(Kristin Neff)博士, who has dedicated her entire research career to self-compassion, we get to know some simple, tangible tricks for getting those mental health benefits. Here is one of them (and we will explore more in the完美主义者的研讨会


1。想想一个现在的情况在其中您感觉不到完美 +需要一些同情心。这可能是您最近犯的一个错误,您正在遇到的争吵,也可能是您感到紧张或焦虑的即将到来的情况。呼吸几次,以解决这种情况。

2。Pull out a piece of paper and pen.写自己就像您给亲爱的,可爱的朋友或孩子一样,一封有同情心的信。要具体,要安慰,不要试图修复。确保签署这封信!

3。Put away这封信。Set a timer for two minutes, and use this time to venture back into the troubling reality about which you wrote.



Isn’t it amazing how this person knows just what to say tosootheyour soul? Isn’t it stunning that you have the unique, tender power to heal yourself?


How could you weave writing a self-compassion letter into your life more regularly?

Illuminate是一个每周的电子邮件系列,它提供实用的技巧 +镀锌灵感来实践情感聪明的生活。在我们在一起的时期,我们将从以下假设中进行操作您拥有自己内心所需的所有智慧 +您有一个世界需要看到的目标。We will explore the tools + techniques to illuminate your own inner wisdom and purpose. If you’d like to receive this free gift of goodness in your inbox every week, subscribehere

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