“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”〜对Saint-exupery


Definition: Accurately identifying and understanding feelings.


增强情绪素养is one of the core competencies of “Know Yourself” in theSix Seconds Model





家庭的等式:情感扫盲研讨会:帮助父母和看护者提高情绪素养 - 情绪智力的基础。该计划“感情的力量:具有情感智力的育儿”将帮助他们与孩子交流,认识和管理情感,并提高自我意识。

情感扫盲博物馆:The Emotional Literacy Museum is a self-directed learning experience teaching about the physiology of emotions, emotional regulation, and emotional literacy.

混合情绪卡- 一张美丽的“塔罗牌”牌(带有感情和同义词的标签)的精美甲板

情绪卡- 令人回味的,有趣的月亮面对情绪的插图(无标签的开放式)

生物植物– a simple reminder that emotions are part of our physiology

宾果游戏– classic “bingo” game played with emotions (in English & Spanish)

感觉面孔- 真实人的照片和有关调查受访者如何评估每张图片的数据


家庭式:情感扫盲研讨会- 帮助父母和照顾者提高情绪素养 - 情绪智力的基础。


Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotions: Feelings Wheel (3/13/2022) 六秒钟现金网赌钱网站 - Make sense of emotions with this interactive feelings wheel. Robert Plutchik's wheel of emotions explained - guide & free download...
7情商事实:参加测验并获得今天申请的实用技巧 ((6/16/2021) 迈克尔·米勒(Michael Miller) - 测试您对情绪智力的了解并获得关键见解,以使EQ在家里和工作中栩栩如生...
情感精通的技巧:如何通过感觉聪明来促进福祉 (4/26/2021) 约书亚·弗里德曼(Joshua Freedman) - How can we handle feelings more effectively? Here are the top 12 tips from emotional intelligence practitioners....
教室的5个SEL入住活动 (3/16/2021) 由客人 - 社交情感学习对于学术和生活成功至关重要。这里有5次快速,轻松的登机活动,以使SEL在课堂上栩栩如生。...
消除:命名情绪的力量 ((1/8/2021) 迈克尔·米勒(Michael Miller) - Traffic is always stressful, right? Turns out, there's a secret neuroscience tip about naming emotions that can help. It's simple and powerful....
种族主义和重新人性的情绪(#25) (8/27/2020) 六秒钟现金网赌钱网站 - 在种族偏见之后,BIPOC尤其经历的情绪的复杂性和充实的重要性是什么?...
综合情绪:感觉是盟友 (8/17/2020) 约书亚·弗里德曼(Joshua Freedman) - 如果我们所有的感觉都有价值怎么办?许多人将情绪视为“好”或“坏”,这使我们处于内部斗争状态,不断地与我们自己的感受。这是一个将感受重新考虑为重要的信号的框架。...
向我们询问有关情绪的任何信息(#23) (8/11/2020) 六秒钟现金网赌钱网站 - What do emotions mean and how can we use them better? Check out this playful and provocative livestream asking anything about feelings!...
教练情绪(#22) (8/5/2020) 六秒钟现金网赌钱网站 - 加入Jenny Rogers(教练技能的作者),Ann Rindone(ICF的副总裁),Natalie Roitman(EQ Gym的合着者)和Josh Freedman(《领导力之心》的作者),深入了解教练的心脏。...
庆祝感受:蓬勃发展的情绪 (5/26/2020) 六秒钟现金网赌钱网站 - In two inspiring, interactive, authentic conversations, we’ll get to the essential basic for mental wellbeing: Talking about feelings....



HBR blog on recognizing emotionshttp://blogs.hbr.org/bregman/2012/05/do-you-know-what-what-you-are-are-feli.html

保罗·埃克曼(Paul Ekman)情绪揭示了


Emotional intelligence (EQ) = being smarter with feelings

EQ is a learnable, measurable skill that predicts improved effectiveness, relationships, quality of life & wellbeing (这是研究

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How to grow your EQ skills 加入六秒钟社区现金网赌钱网站
订阅免费更新 潜入解锁等式
发现即将举行的EQ事件 bet亚洲娱乐场 bet亚洲娱乐场

您得到了您的量度 - 请衡量重要的事情

For many people, emotional intelligence is intangible -- so we created assessments that make it clear, actionable, and practical.


Introduction to the EQ tests Individual EQ Assessments
使用工具查找器找到正确的评估 组织情报测试

Build capacity for transformation

现金网赌钱网站六秒钟开始了世界上第一个EQ实践者认证,并在如何发展情绪智力方面被广泛称为全球领导者。公共和内部EQ认证。通过解锁等式潜入这种转化方法-then continue toward the 4 professional accreditations:

经过认证的EQ教练 Certified Social Emotional Learning Specialist
经过认证的EQ顾问 Certified EQ Facilitator


Six Seconds provides businesses with tools, methods & expertise to improve the people-side of performance with emotional intelligence. As shown in the case study library, EQ strengthens leadership, team effectiveness, customer service/sales, accelerating change, and building a high-performing culture.

业务等式简介 Find an expert (coach, consultant, facilitator)
Case study library bet亚洲娱乐场 bet亚洲娱乐场
金沙国际真人娱乐 现金网赌钱网站六秒的客户

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For effective, evidence-based development, Six Seconds publishes a system of emotional intelligence tests yielding practical, actionable insights.

Introduction to the EQ tests Individual EQ Assessments
使用工具查找器找到正确的评估 组织情报测试

Build capacity for transformation


Explore the pathways:

经过认证的EQ顾问 Certified EQ Facilitator
经过认证的EQ教练 Certified Social Emotional Learning Specialist


现金网赌钱网站六秒钟是为所有利益相关者提供工具,方法和专业知识的综合来源 - 在整个年龄范围内,全球各地的教育。

Introduction to EQ in education 弹出节与联合国儿童基金会合作
什么是社交情感学习? Find an expert (coach, consultant, facilitator)
高等教育中的EQ / SEL bet亚洲娱乐场 bet亚洲娱乐场
金沙国际真人娱乐 Pioneers in SEL

您得到了您的量度 - 请衡量重要的事情

For effective, evidence-based development, Six Seconds publishes a system of emotional intelligence tests yielding practical, actionable insights.

Introduction to the EQ tests Individual EQ Assessments
使用工具查找器找到正确的评估 教育生命体征

Build capacity for transformation

现金网赌钱网站六秒钟开始了世界上第一个EQ实践者认证,并在如何发展情绪智力方面被广泛称为全球领导者。公共和内部EQ认证。从EQ教育者认证开始-then continue toward the 4 professional accreditations:

经过认证的EQ教练 Certified Social Emotional Learning Specialist
经过认证的EQ顾问 Certified EQ Facilitator

问题s about growing emotional intelligence? Let's talk!

Six Seconds' vision is a billion people practicing emotional intelligence,因为我们认为这将使世界变得更美好。我们是一个非营利组织,在每个国家,每个国家 /地区都有转型EQ工具和方法的支持者。


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