$116,000 Per Month and Bankrupt: Why Some NFL Players Lose at The Game of Life – and What We Can All Learn From It


沃伦·萨普(Warren Sapp)earned $82 million during a 13-year playing career in the NFL, which ended in 2007. By the spring of 2012, even though he was still making $116,000每月as a TV analyst, he filed for bankruptcy.


按照我们文化的标准,没有人比职业运动员更“成功”。他们是著名的百万富翁!但是在那个闪亮的外观下 - 巨大的房屋,精美的汽车和丰富的社交媒体追随者 - 真实的现实潜伏得多。这种差异恳求我们提出一个问题:什么是成功?如果数百万美元和崇拜球迷不会带来生活成功,那会有什么?现金网赌钱网站六秒钟与前玩家的研究为这个基本问题提供了一些见解。


按照我们文化的标准,没有人比职业运动员更“成功”。他们是著名的百万富翁!但是,研究描绘了NFL Stars Live of the Field的惊人肖像,尤其是在退休之后

Is Football a Way Out of Poverty?

根据a study from Burkmont Analytics.African-Americans make up 70% of the league, and many grow up in violent neighborhoods and single parent homes.

马文·史密斯(Marvin Smith)是前NFL后卫,他与六秒钟的研究合着了这项研究,他说,这些内城社区缺乏机会创造了一种情况,“孩子们将足球和篮球视为现金网赌钱网站摆脱困境的唯一出路。”但是这种心态存在一些严重的问题。首先,制作NFL的机会很小– less than 1% – meaning about 9 out of every 10,000 high school seniors playing football eventually get drafted by an NFL team. And even then, if you’re one of those talented and lucky few, it turns out that making the NFL is no guarantee of life success. The players may look “successful,” signing huge contracts and showing off fancy cars on Instagram, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. A closer look reveals a startlingly different, and uglier, reality – especially once players retire.


前球员的财务困扰已得到充分记录,沃伦·萨普(Warren Sapp)的警告故事和《体育画报》的研究证明了这一点。但是,更令人不安的是许多以前的球员经历的精神和情感斗争的故事,包括成瘾和自杀。

兰迪·格莱姆斯(Randy Grimes)为坦帕湾海盗队(Tampa Bay Buccaneers)发挥了9年的进攻线,这可以说是该领域最征税的地位。他说,他的职业生涯中途开始虐待阿片类止痛药,以度过痛苦。“我很容易证明我每天倒下的少量药。它帮助我通过th动的关节痛放松了。”他告诉Macomb每天。“我必须留在场上,这样没人能担任我的位置。”在退休后几十年中沉迷于上瘾之后,格莱姆斯终于进入了康复,他称之为“我有史以来最艰难的事情。我从字面上爬了四个。”在右边的简短视频中,用自己的话语听到他的故事。

The fact that Grimes made it to rehab could qualify his story as a success of sorts. Others have not been so lucky.

Seau Junior Seau出演了NFL将近二十年。他以热情的击球后卫而闻名,他成为了NFL偶像,为他的家乡圣地亚哥充电器效力。但是像许多其他球员一样,这位角斗士看似幸运的生活也有一个更黑暗的现实。2010年10月退休后不久,Seau因家庭暴力。那天晚上晚些时候,他在方向盘上睡着了,使他的SUV撞到了100英尺的悬崖上。他在那个秋天幸存下来,但是在2012年5月,退休后仅3年,SEAU自杀了。他的家人致力于科学研究,医生发现了CTE的证据,CTE是由反复的头部创伤引起的退化性脑部疾病,在数十名前玩家中发现。

像兰迪·格莱姆斯(Randy Grimes)和少年苏(Junior Seau)这样的故事吗?现金网赌钱网站六秒钟的NFLPA研究想提供一个答案:他们的故事表明退休球员的趋势更大?

Remarkably short careers

An important caveat to understand is that pro football players, on average, have remarkably short careers. Famous players like Tom Brady and Drew Brees, who are playing well into their late 30s and early 40s, are not the norm.The average NFL career is between 3 and 6 years,取决于你问谁。即使一名球员打出15年,这被认为是非常漫长而成功的职业生涯,他们通常会在35岁时从NFL退休。普通球员在30岁之前就退休了。


How many retired players are achieving life success? And, further, what’s the difference between those who find life success and those who struggle after they hang up the cleats?

Let’s start with the first question: How are retired players doing in general? Compared to a control group of non athletes, the retired NFL players scored almost 15% lower in the life success scale of Six Seconds’SEI评估生活成功问卷根据参与者的积极关系,财务健康以及身体和情感福祉的水平以及其他促成因素来衡量“成功”。即使15%的差异并不是很大的差异,但是当您认为大多数NFL球员在短期职业生涯中的收入比一生的正常大学毕业生的收入要多。他们已经达到了“成功”的顶峰。从理论上讲should转化为比平均水平更好的生活,而实际上相反。吸毒成瘾,尤其是止痛药成瘾,猖ramp。研究发现that NFL players are 4x as likely to be addicted to painkillers as the general population, even in a country experiencing an epidemic of opioid addiction. Smith, the former NFL linebacker and a coauthor of the study, summed it up succinctly:“Despite the money and prestige of their pro football careers, athletes are facing serious challenges.”

While many players struggle, however, other players are quite successful after retiring.

Myron Rolle,a former NFL player with the Tennessee Titans and Pittsburgh Steelers, recently started a neurosurgery residency at Harvard. Laurent Duvernay-Tardif, who currently plays for the Kansas City Chiefs, is the N.F.L.’s only active player to become a medical doctor. He graduated from McGill University’s medical school in May.


So what’s the difference? Is there a key for retired athletes to achieve success in the game of life?

What predicts retired players’ success?

该研究发现,退休玩家的情绪智力技巧与生活成功之间存在巨大的相关性。EQ预测人生成功分数的60%,例如玩家的关系质量,避免药物滥用的能力以及整体健康状况。In short: If you want players to be successful in life, emotional intelligence is key.NFLPA前执行董事Gene Upshaw,被称为情感智力“帮助职业运动员过着健康和成功的生活的重要组成部分”。Marvin Smith, the former NFL linebacker who coauthored the study, calls the situation of retired players a“tragic waste that can be easily prevented by teaching some basic emotional intelligence skills.”


CTE, the degenerative brain disease found in Junior Seau’s brain and in dozens of other diseased players, causes symptoms like impulsive behavior, apathy and depression. This may even amplify the need for emotional intelligence skills, and make it even more urgent for players to develop them. That, for now, is merely speculation. The scientific community has just scratched the surface of understanding this disease. But the fact that emotional skills skills are strongly correlated with life success has a solid scientific backing.

Research into retired NFL players: EQ predicted 60% of the variation in life success scores, like the quality of players’ relationships, ability to avoid substance abuse, and overall wellbeing.


鉴于这项研究,下一个基本问题变成:您能教授情绪智力吗?根据越来越多的研究,答案是肯定的。这就是为什么这项研究如此有价值的原因。现金网赌钱网站六秒首席执行官乔什·弗里德曼(Josh Freedman):

We can now pinpoint specific, learnable skills that will make a difference for these guys – for life.”

乔什·弗里德曼(Josh Freedman)


Study limitations



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