What Are Biodots and How Do You Use Them with Clients to Enhance Training, Coaching, Meetings or Classes?


迈克尔·米勒(Michael Miller) - 2020年2月19日

情感自我意识是一种超级力量……但有时很难知道您的感觉。由于情绪与我们的身体反应有关,我们的身体可以为我们提供线索。例如,当我们受到压力时,我们的身体会自动改变血液流动的方式,在核心区域保持更多的血液,并在表面上更少……这会降低我们的皮肤温度。这是某些人所说的“思维”联系的一个例子 - 情感和思想改变了我们的身体反应!尽管这些变化可能是微妙的,但生物植物衡量了这些温度变化并为我们提供实时反馈。



生物植物are small dots that stick to your hand and reflect your body temperature as a spectrum of colors. Similar to the idea of a mood ring, except Biodots are scientifically calibrated.

How Do Biodots Work?

皮肤温度根据应力水平变化。生物原子测量皮肤温度。随着温度的变化,它们会改变颜色 - 将实时数据达到您的压力水平以及如何在您的身体中反映出来。这些点带有比例卡来解释不同的颜色。

How to Use Biodots with Your Clients

At Six Seconds, we use Biodots in many of our courses to teach about emotional intelligence. Here are three examples:

简化神经科学的生物植物。通常,当我们介绍情绪的生理作用时,我们会解释为什么我们被称为六秒钟。现金网赌钱网站有时,我们分享了神经科学家安东尼奥·达马西奥(Antonio Damasio)的名言:“情绪是体现的”,然后解释情绪会影响人体中的每个活细胞,以帮助我们应对生活的挑战和机遇。然后,我们分发生物植物以证明这一原理。虽然要小心!一旦您分发了它们,人们就会变得非常好奇,并想和他们一起玩!

情感登机手续。During a meeting or workshop, hand out Biodots and use them as a way for participants to gauge their present stress level, and keep tabs of their stress levels throughout the session or day. This works for both children and adults to increase self-awareness. For example, multiple times during your session, ask: “How many people have a dark blue Biodot?” “How many have a green dot?” etc. You can keep a scorecard on the whiteboard. Since green represents an optimal learning state, this is particularly useful if you want people engaged in content.

使用生物植物作为练习放松和减轻压力的工具。生物植物can help illustrate choice and control with emotional states. In a workshop or training, for example, pass out Biodots, then ask everyone to write or discuss a challenging or stressful topic, and then note down the color of their dots. Next, switch to taking deep breaths, increasing feelings of appreciation, and calming down (eg a mindfulness stress reduction exercise). Then ask them to note their dot-color. Discuss what changed and why.

How are you using Biodots in your training, coaching or teaching? Please share additional ideas in the comments!




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