
斯坦福教授尼尔·艾尔(Nir Eyal)说,这个问题不是技术,而是我们 - 提供了能够控制我们的注意力和生活的技巧

By Michael Miller – January 8th, 2019

“Tech companies understand what makes you tick and click better than you do,”asserts Stanford professor Nir Eyal, and he would know. In fact, he’s partly to blame. Eyal’s blockbuster book,“Hooked,”was the blueprint Silicon Valley followed to create habit-forming technology. But amid rising concerns about tech “addiction” and people’s inability to stop scrolling, Eyal says we’re missing the real problem. In his new book,“可分配”,”he focuses on the root emotional causes of tech misuse and offers tools to regain control of your attention and your life.


“The narrative is that tech is addicting, it’s hijacking people’s brains, and there’s nothing we can do about it,” Eyal explains. “But that is such a disempowering mindset. It’s learned helplessness.”

艾尔说,在这种叙述中,大多数人属于两个类别之一:责备和shamers。责备者说,这是技术 - 科技公司使我成为瘾君子。智能手机太诱人了,无法抵抗。另一方面,Shamers向内看。他们说:“我坏了。我有一个上瘾的个性。我无能为力。”尽管重点是不同的,但两组都赞成一种信念,即他们仅仅是乘坐的 - 他们无能为力改变他们与技术的关系。这些信仰体系成为自我实现的预言,并为人们避免对自己的选择责任而建立高速公路。

不得不binge on Netflix?



But according to Eyal, technology isn’t the trigger, it’s a coping mechanism. And if we want to change the behavior, we need to focus on the emotional triggers driving the behavior – the part of the iceberg that’s beneath the surface. We need to be smarter with feelings. “If you don’t have the skills to become indistractable,” Eyal says, “no doubt they will get you.” And the skills to become indistractible are the skills of emotional intelligence.


Eyal提议的解决方案与现金网赌钱网站等式的六秒模型。It starts with self-awareness. “First ask yourself, when do I give in to this?” Eyal says. “What is the emotional trigger I am looking to escape? Is it stress? Anxiety? Fatigue? Loneliness? When I use this, what is it that I am trying to escape? When we’re lonely, we check Facebook. When we’re bored, we check YouTube, Reddit or Instagram. Bring awareness to the psychological discomfort driving the behavior.” That self-awareness opens the door to make different choices.

一旦有了提高的自我意识,无论是在家还是在工作中,您如何才能选择更故意使用技术?传统思维说:“摆脱分心。”没有更多的社交媒体,电子邮件或任何内容。但是对于大多数人来说,这是不合理的,甚至他们真正想要的也不是合理的。技术很有趣!并且有帮助。取而代之的是,Eyal建议为使用它提供时间,但要按照您的条款进行时间。为此,他建议尝试“时间拳击”或创建“时间框日历”,which basically means planning out every minute of your day, including time for Slack and emails at work, or time at home for social media. The point is to take things that randomly distract us throughout the day – the “rings, dings, pings and things” – and set aside time for them. Then instead of habitually reverting to tech use as a coping mechanism or just out of habit, we consciously choose how to engage. We see that we have options and think strategically about the pros and cons of each course of action. That’s the选择自己的一部分现金网赌钱网站等式的六秒模型。


This goes far beyond just limiting technology use:“How we spend our time is really the sum totality of who we are. These little choices add up to big, profound choices about who and what you prioritize.”

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5个问题,这些问题可以预测团队如何建立,创建和协作 - 以及与团队实施他们的情绪智能技巧



What can you do? Emotional intelligence tips to build bridges and collaborate better even when it’s challenging.






  • Global:在157个国家和领土上使用 - 这种方法到处都可以使用。
  • Scientific:最新的研究创造了先驱者在等式中的强大方法 - 这些工具是可靠的。
  • 实际的: It’s not enough to talk about emotional intelligence — Six Seconds helps you put it into action.
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