

Medical school erodes future doctors’ emotional intelligence, according torecent researchpublished in the杂志美国骨病协会

考虑讽刺:我们为培训医生而设的系统,谁的工作是保持人们健康, is undermining their own mental and emotional health. And while a growing body of evidence suggests that the skills of emotional intelligence drive doctors’ success both personally and professionally – and positive outcomes for patients – these findings suggest that doctors may be losing these skills during their training. For anyone who cares about the quality of their healthcare, this should serve as a wake-up call. Dr. Linda Mintle, who conducted this research at Liberty, shares her reaction to the findings and what they plan to do with it. But first, let’s step back to look at research that has driven a resurgence of interest in EQ in healthcare.

Research: Physicians’ EQ Linked to Patients’ Outcomes

A growing body of evidence shows that physicians’ emotional intelligence skills aren’t just ‘nice to have,’ but have a direct effect on patient outcomes. “In order to be successful with patients,” says Dr. Mintle, “doctors need to have more than medical knowledge.”


如果这似乎是跳跃,请考虑this study来自美国费城杰斐逊医学院的糖尿病患者。在这项研究中,由29位不同的医生治疗了891名糖尿病患者。医生接受了同理心评估,然后研究人员分析了医生与客观的患者健康数据相比的同理心分数。



Research studies like these are driving a resurgence of interest in EQ in healthcare, including this research at Liberty.

In a data driven field such as healthcare, measuring the skills of emotional intelligenceprovides a way to focus on these essential capabilities and leverage them for success.



根据结果​​,与他们到达时,学生的情绪智力要少。情绪智力全面下降。在研究中测得的八种情绪智力能力中,有6个下降了,其他2个保持不变。Check out the Six Seconds Model of EQ阅读研究中测得的情绪智力的8个核心技能。在拒绝的技能中,有能力行使乐观,评估选择的成本和收益以及练习同理心。是的。

Considering physicians are making complex, life saving decisions, and that optimism and empathy have been directly linked to positive patient outcomes, this is an alarming finding.


2016年meta-analysisin the杂志of the American Medical Association发现27%的医学生报告患有抑郁症或抑郁症状。A separate加的夫大学完成的研究in the UK reported that more than half of medical students admitted to feeling serious levels of anxiety.一般而言,医学生以比普通人群高得多的焦虑,抑郁和自杀。

Why? The problem, according to students and teachers, is multifaceted.

首先,学生在时间上面临不合理的要求,经常进行高压考试70-hour weeks during clinical rotations. This leaves没有足够时间进行睡眠,健康饮食和定期运动的学生。最重要的是,许多学生远离家乡有小或不存在的支持系统,并应对独特的压力很大的情况,例如第一次见证死亡。这一切都加剧了极端的心理健康挑战,并且医生需要提供高质量护理所需的确切社交情感技能。

David Muller博士,纽约西奈山伊坎医学院医学教育院长,说医学教育者必须认识到他们在发生的事情中的作用:“We want our students to show love and compassion for patients, and meanwhile get 99% on everything. There’s hypocrisy on our part as medical educators.”

According to Dr. Mintle, measuring students’ EQ is a vital first step toward reversing this trend and forging a new path. “Because we want to develop high EQ doctors, it is important to know when the erosion of EQ begins or if medical students lack high EQ at the beginning of medical school. Then we can integrate EQ training into the curriculum.”

That EQ training component, it turns out, has been on the Liberty team’s mind from the beginning of the study.

“我们选择了六秒钟现金网赌钱网站SEI assessment,” Dr. Mintle says, “because of its potential application for coaching.”该评估提供了有关情绪智力的各个方面的反馈,以将其采取行动并增长EQ,使其非常适合培训和开发。

在自由活动中,Mintle博士希望使用评估,再加上教练,以帮助学生在医学院期间提高EQ分数 - 使他们在个人和专业方面取​​得成功。

note: In Chicago, Illinois, Six Seconds Preferred Partner设备工作室只是完成研究,他们试图使用SEI评估来改善医学生的EQ分数,并试图提高教学EQ的新工具The Practice.一篇分析该研究的文章即将推出。

If this research piques your interest, what are next steps?

Download our free eBook, Graduating EQ: Moving SEL Into Higher Learning.If you are interested in measuring or teaching emotional intelligence in a higher education setting, downloading this free eBook is a great place to start.



Prioritize SEL

在医学教育系统中,与大多数教育系统一样,认知发展被视为皇冠上的珠宝,而社会情感发展被视为事后的想法。即使研究继续堆积indicating that EQ is twice as predictive of success as IQ, training has yet to catch up. The vast majority of medical school is spent记住,研究原因和效果以及建立关联技能。关键的SEL技能,例如了解您的模式和触发器,情感调节,管理困难的对话以及建立同理心的思考。如果医学教育者认真对待最高质量的医生,则课程需要反映出等式的重要性。


Measure Students' EQ

通常认为,尽管情绪智力很重要,但它是无法衡量且无法改变的。这些都是误解。有许多有效的情商评估and research has found repeatedly that EQ skills are learnable. In fact, theSEI assessmentwas selected for this study because of its robust psychometrics and potential to develop coaching and training tools. Many other EQ assessments provide data, but the SEI provides data within an actionable framework to practice and improve emotional intelligence, which leads us to our final recommendation…


Support Students with EQ Training

当然,衡量学生的均衡器只是第一步。最终目标是让情绪聪明的医生可以同情患者,激励他们改变,在跨学科团队上工作,并应对压力和组织需求。医学院可以并且应该为学生制定EQ开发计划。这些可能是小组教练或1-1。创新工具THE PRACTICEcan be utilized in conjunction with the SEI to develop personalized training and development programs based on each student’s strengths and challenges. It’s time for EQ training to be treated not as a nicety, or an optional add-on, but as a foundational tool that doctors need to do their jobs effectively.


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