Our culture’s obsession with perfection acts like a shadow on our hearts, minds and bodies keeping us from enjoying our lives. Always striving for elusive perfection, we’ve trapped ourselves into being chronically disappointed. What can be done to counter perfectionism? When we give ourselves to others, we counter perfectionism with self-compassion and empathy.



我想挑战您,以计算您一生中24小时内出现“ Perfect”一词的次数。I raise this suggestion because I seem to see this word everywhere, from advertising, which promises ‘perfect hair day’ or ‘perfect results every time’: recipes extolling the ‘perfect cake’: and Pintrest pressure on young couples to guarantee their guests have the ‘perfect wedding day.’

We’ve all got a memory of a trip, an event – perhaps even a wedding day – which we’d describe as ‘perfect’. Or perhaps you’ve developed your skills in bread making, or playing an instrument, until you’ve achieved a ‘perfect’ rise, or a ‘perfect’ rendition of a Mozart sonata. But I’d say these moments are vanishingly rare, and that for the most part, we’re obliged to settle for ‘great’ or, less ambitiously, ‘good enough.’



Researchers at York University studying the effects of perfectionism find thatperfectionism limits people.“对犯错误的焦虑最终可能使一些完美主义者首先无法取得成功。”您知道哪些完美主义者不完美吗?自我同情。这是我们最大的弱点之一。我们没有给自己一个学习,成长,破坏和治愈的重要空间。





这是多么重要和开创性的意识!我每天想象我们是否可以放弃我们的完美需求 - 在食物,工作,旅行,人际关系和最琐碎的小事中,只是享受活着的奇迹,而不必坚持我们必须体验最完美的奇迹形式。而且,这种认识更加动人和凄美,因为是谁给了我这个节日礼物的信息。





Beauty in Imperfection

不完美是一个人心脏的窗户。日本的“ Wabi Sabi”概念说明了不完美的智慧。我们珍惜一个孩子的笔记,奶奶的针织背心,与朋友一起散步的贝壳“因为尽管存在不完美,但这些对象还是我们人类的信标:我们有能力,同情,联系,爱。

将更多的瓦比·萨比(Wabi Sabi)带入我们的生活,取决于我们专注,放慢脚步,改变平衡的能力从做到欣赏而不是完善。重要的是要参加现在并欣赏一些细节。Wabi-Sabi提醒我们,我们都在沿着连续的一个状态转变为下一个状态。我们的物质世界以及我们的身体最终将恢复到灰尘。


As I contemplate current events and read the news, I begin to see more and more emergences of this blinkered and dangerously binary thinking which seems to have the world in its grasp. For example, movies are either blockbusters or turkeys. Performances were either life-changing or simply ‘meh’. Consider how many product reviews, for example, are fixed squarely at one end of the spectrum or the other – five stars or only one – because we’re only really moved to comment on something when it resides at one of those poles of perfection.

If you’ve spent time within the system of thought and practice we espouse here at 6seconds.org, then you’ll already be aware of the dangers of these binary patterns. But in my relationship with my niece, and the message she gave me, I see a very timely and sincere reminder that perfection is both unachievable, and that its pursuit is like chasing a phantom. It remains elusive and out of reach, no matter what we do.


More Self-Compassion and Empathy

重要的是要记住,完美主义的模式随着时间的流逝而缓慢建立。因此,有理由认为撤消该过程也将是故意的。“由于他们对失败和拒绝的强烈恐惧,完美主义者通常很难让自己暴露或脆弱,根据心理学家Shauna Springer的说法。这使得尝试一些新的东西,例如学习新的思考方式更具挑战性。她说,当人们专注于失败时,他们会不惜一切代价避免这种情况:“即使是最小的违规也是证据个人失败的宏伟论文。”

Is there an antidote to perfectionism? Can we change our patterns to have more self-compassion and empathy? One of the most rewarding options for people with perfectionist tendencies, is to direct their energies outward through volunteering and making a difference in the lives of others. By practicing self-compassion and empathy and you will be helping your kids. Research suggests that perfectionism is a trait that parents frequently pass on to their children. Dr,Gordon Flett, a psychologist at York University建议讲故事以教导自我同情和同理心。他说:“孩子们喜欢听父母或老师谈论他们犯的错误或必须克服的失败。”传递智慧是我们给自己和他人的礼物。



I’d say that our imperfections and limitations provide the challenges which give us a reason to get up in the morning and fight through another day. Just as Brandy fights with a courage and zeal which I find humbling, and I’d like to take this chance to salute her maturity and poise, her passion for life, and the sheer willpower she brings to a very, very imperfect situation.

如果白兰地能够找到快乐,即使在她的疾病礼物困难的连续漩涡中,我们肯定可以做同样的事情。也许是时候让我们担心我们的生活还不够“完美” - 无论这意味着什么 - 相反,每天,每一刻和每一秒都要感恩。当我们拥抱自己的错误和生活中,我们练习自我同情和同情心,从我们的完美主义的阴影后面脱颖而出。

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