
EQ for Transformational Leadership Qualities





Is leadership about “getting things done” (tasks) or about engaging people to build a high performing culture (process)? In a task-focused world, it’s easy to think leadership is about DOING. But when it comes to transformational leadership, the impact comes more from BEING.


Researching the emotional intelligence leadership qualities that make transformational leaders excel,一项大规模研究确定了基本要素是“集中的同理心”,这是关怀人和绩效的结合。

A ten-year study on leadership qualities for high performance found five drivers are the key elements of transformational leadership. These are通过领导力体征测试衡量这是一个360或多评价工具,它贴上了该模型,其五个顶级领导才能共同构成了变革型领导的定义。

  1. Trust:变革型领导者设定了安全的背景,其中…
  2. 动机: People are driven by long-term purpose,
  3. 改变:他们是适应能力的,
  4. 团队合作: They collaborate to achieve more than they can individually, and
  5. 执行:他们专注于重要的事情并完成。


3 Top Transformational Leadership Qualities Using EQ



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对于许多人来说,情绪智力是无形的 - 因此我们创建了评估,使其清晰,可操作和实用。


Introduction to the EQ tests 个别EQ评估
使用工具查找器找到正确的评估 组织情报测试

Build capacity for transformation

Six Seconds started the world's first EQ Practitioner Certification and is widely known as the global leader in how to develop emotional intelligence. Public & in-house EQ certification.Dive into this transformational methodology with Unlocking EQ-then continue toward the 4 professional accreditations:

经过认证的EQ教练 认证的社交情感学习专家
经过认证的EQ顾问 Certified EQ Facilitator



Introduction to EQ in business 寻找专家(教练,顾问,主持人)
案例研究库 bet亚洲娱乐场 bet亚洲娱乐场
金沙国际真人娱乐 Six Seconds' Clients

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For effective, evidence-based development, Six Seconds publishes a system of emotional intelligence tests yielding practical, actionable insights.

Introduction to the EQ tests 个别EQ评估
使用工具查找器找到正确的评估 组织情报测试

Build capacity for transformation

Six Seconds started the world's first EQ Practitioner Certification and is widely known as the global leader in how to develop emotional intelligence. Public & in-house EQ certification.

Explore the pathways:

经过认证的EQ顾问 Certified EQ Facilitator
经过认证的EQ教练 认证的社交情感学习专家


现金网赌钱网站六秒钟是为所有利益相关者提供工具,方法和专业知识的综合来源 - 在整个年龄范围内,全球各地的教育。

Introduction to EQ in education 弹出节与联合国儿童基金会合作
什么是社交情感学习? 寻找专家(教练,顾问,主持人)
高等教育中的EQ / SEL bet亚洲娱乐场 bet亚洲娱乐场
金沙国际真人娱乐 SEL的先驱

您得到了您的量度 - 请衡量重要的事情

For effective, evidence-based development, Six Seconds publishes a system of emotional intelligence tests yielding practical, actionable insights.

Introduction to the EQ tests 个别EQ评估
使用工具查找器找到正确的评估 教育生命体征

Build capacity for transformation

Six Seconds started the world's first EQ Practitioner Certification and is widely known as the global leader in how to develop emotional intelligence. Public & in-house EQ certification.从EQ教育者认证开始-then continue toward the 4 professional accreditations:

经过认证的EQ教练 认证的社交情感学习专家
经过认证的EQ顾问 Certified EQ Facilitator


Six Seconds' vision is a billion people practicing emotional intelligence, because we think it will make the world a better place. We are a nonprofit org supporting changemakers in every sector, in every country, with transformational EQ tools and methods.

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